
Volunteer Legion Essay

Decent Essays

The Adelburgers went head first into the cusp of a rather peculiar assignment, near the end of April. This late part of their assigned Sunday Morning Special involves the Adelburgers having the honors of transporting the lifeless cadavers of four Underground members, who wound up missing in January of 2015, to the Catholic School Underground leadership. The CSU will then return the bodies to the families, from which the deceased will be given a proper burial. Recently, the bodies were discovered in a secluded part of New Jersey, as well as underwent separate autopsies by a certified medical examiner from Iowa. Of course, as to how they ended up being killed in the first place, that is not an area for the Adelburgers to be asking their superiors …show more content…

The boy scouts in Preston Connelly’s 2nd Foreign Volunteer Legion, in addition to their roles as Vanguard and Reservist, were given new roles in form of Grenadier and Leicht, because of 2nd FVL possessing a high amount of members with exceptional degrees of perception and meticulous attention toward detail. Their female equivalents in Gudruna Hurley’s 1st Foreign Volunteer Legion, also Vanguard and Reservist, were instead given additional training as Jackbooters and …show more content…

However, within some Dioceses and Archdioceses, this is not always the case. Factions such as FYC and the YCHS, since they have sympathetic allies to call on their own like the RGA, mobilized their own crews and groups and ordered them to head west before the Ryanites had a chance. Opportunists like the Dominion and the BUG, having no connections out west, decided to do the same as

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