
Wage Equity: The Evolution Of The Salary Cap In The NBA

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Final of Wage Equity: The evolution of the Salary Cap in the NBA Wages equity has been an issue for a long time, it is still an issue these days, salaries must be defined by your education, your training skills, your ability and even more. NBA athletes are earning millions of dollars to play the sports that they have been playing since their young ages for most of them. They are earning millions of dollars to entertain the demand. They have for goal to keep the demand at a high rate. In my study, the fans are the demand. Since the inflation, wages have increased incredibly since the 1900s century. NBA teams do have an impact on the economy of their society. A better team will have more impact on their society since they are going …show more content…

The NBA has been created in 1949, however, the game was invented by the famous Dr. James Naismith as everyone knows. A Canadian even if there is only one team from Canada, which is the Raptors out of the thirty teams. The Twenty-nine other teams that are all situated in the United States. At first, they were only seven teams active. Following the high demand of the fans, they created more teams, they are now thirty teams. Now that the NBA has a financial situation even more than excellent they bring fans from all around the world to get entertain. On the Industrialization side, it has begun after the world war two. With the industrialization, the transportation of common goods has been easier since by now the shipped by the river. It was a new way of transportation. Thus, it leads to the augmentation of productivity, but the labor force was still maximized. The fast machinery has taken place and workers were losing their jobs (Burns, 2009). The workers were not protected about the evolution of the industry. Thus, many of them were losing their jobs. Since the machine were in place, the productivity was more efficient so that they were earning money. It allows the NBA athletes having a better salary every year. Bahuri says ‘‘we have much more control over …show more content…

This theory is examining the economics of wage. Thus, it spoke about the competitive market that the other jobs are facing. It compares two jobs perspective, which are functional uniqueness and talent complementary. David-Moore defined functional uniqueness as "the degree to which a position is functionally unique, there is no other positions that can perform the same function satisfactorily’’ (Grandjean, 1975, p 545). ‘‘Talent will be determined with the skilled acquired and the talent. Rewards are greater in positions requiring more talent and training because supply is less plentiful’’ (Grandjean 1975, p.546). As you noticed, those are the NBA athlete, which are being trained to keep the demand

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