
Waking Sleeping Beauty Analysis

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The Waking of Sleepy Disney “The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it,” explains Rafiki, the wise baboon from The Lion King, to Simba, a young cub, in order to teach him a valuable lesson: to use other peoples’ mistakes to avoid making the same ones; when people reflect on their past and are willing to confront the mistakes head on, they can be very successful. Waking Sleeping Beauty, directed by Don Hahn, gives viewers an inside look from 1984 to 1994 when Disney reached the peak of “The Disney Renaissance”—during this period of time, Disney Animation Studios produced some of their best animated movies. Although Disney was successful during this era, it took a lot of work for them to get to …show more content…

When it came time to hire Eisner, Schneider, a Disney’s first president, explained, “…Michael [Eisner] had an amazing track record coming from Paramount. He’d had hits, Oscar nominations, Terms of Endearment. He was a winner when he was hired to come in and run Disney. He also was a man who liked to blow things up.” Eisner had a lot of experience in the film industry and was very successful, too; he was the perfect fit to help bring Disney out of their downward spiral. With Eisner’s help, he was able to use his previous experience at Paramount to lead Disney to success once again. Similarly, Katzenberg was willing to help lead Disney out of their misery by being the lifeline of the film division. Eisner recalled, “He was a worker. He was committed. He was obsessed”. When the film division no longer had hope, Katzenberg was there to guide it to something more than it had ever been before. He made the animators excited and pushed them to the next level. He held them to high standards. He never stopped until the drawings reached perfection; if that meant hundreds of edits to one drawing, then he would wait for the edit that eventually made the drawing flawless. With his determination, he was able to lead the film division to produce The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, and many

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