
Warrenties in Article Kia Offers Hyundai´s Warrenty Coverage Essay

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From the Los Angeles Times, the following article focuses on a relevant topic from Chapter twelve in the textbook, Warranties. The article titled, “Kia Offers Hyundai's Warranty Coverage (O’Dell, 2000), are relevant topic of Warranty. The article’s main subject is focusing on both car dealers, Kia and Hyundai, where Kia Motors America launched the longest warranty in the auto industry, which is identical to Hyundai Motor Americas 10-year, 100,000-mile coverage warranty. Such a long warranty provides assurance of potential clients that are thinking about buying a Kia, that the quality of a Kia car is not only new and improved but this warranty signifies that they are more than confident that their vehicle is worth such a long warranty with …show more content…

346) Such an explanation from the textbook when applied to the article is very helpful in understanding that Kia is putting their confidence and character as a company into the warranty, and any customer dissatisfaction of the product not only hurts the reputation of Kia but it breaches an understanding of the warranty and thus puts the control in the customer’s hands for the term of that warranty.

Ultimately, in my opinion relative to the article and the topic of warranty in general discussed in Chapter Twelve, brings to light how a warranty not only is a contract and a written agreement between the buyer and the seller, but it is an agreement of having a good title, reputation and a business etiquette that the seller is promising to the buyer. This article also brings to light how the concept of warranty is not only putting the company’s reputation on the line, it is promising certain performances that if not lived up to would be a breaching of the warranty and thus a breaking of the trust and reputation of the company between seller and buyer. As described in Chapter Twelve of the textbook, a good title warranty seems to be what Kia is trying to establish for its customers, which in my humble opinion is genius to copy Hyundai knowing that their sales soared after initiating an identical warranty.

This type of warranty although puts the control in the hands of the consumer for the length of the

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