
Was Abraham Lincoln An Ethical Or Visionary Leader?

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When we hear the nickname “Honest Abe”; I hope we think not only of our 16th United States president, but of an extraordinary visionary and ethical leader. In this paper I will state my claim that Abraham Lincoln is both; an ethical and visionary leader; a groundbreaker who provided the aid required in the abolishment of slavery through the emancipation proclamation, while unifying the country during the Civil War. Pushing his personal philosophy based on honesty and integrity during the time of war, and the fact that he was cherished and loved by all, due to his personal philosophy which was based on honesty and integrity. I will also touch on my personal relevance on what Lincoln and I have in common; and how he has motivated me to change as a leader and person, which includes having goals and a great vision. President Lincoln aided in helping the abolishment of slavery with the issuing of several key documents, while unifying the country during turmoil. According to Sarah Pruitt, author of the article “5 Things you may not know about Lincoln”, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in …show more content…

Lincoln integrated ideas to his vision, which were told to him by his subordinates and team members that strived to make the world a safer and better place. Lincoln maintained an open mind which created an adaptable approach and an open environment of innovation among his advocates. Unfortunately, he faced a steep challenge during that timeframe, he had ideas which were beyond his time and place, however he stuck to his vision, and while the country was at war, he kept pushing and fighting for what he believed was right. It was a difficult time in our country as brothers were killing brothers; there was tension between the North and the South, with an estimated four million slaves at

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