
Was Justinian A Good Or Bad Emperor

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Was Justinian a good or bad Emperor
In almost any leader in history we can see a combination of good and bad qualities. The Byzantine emperor Justinian was such a leader he was born a peasant and had a 40 year reign, two years before taking the throne he married Theodora who was a former concubine, he exhibits traits showing both great talents and great personality flaws.
Emperor Justinian is sometimes referred to as the last of the Roman Emperors and he desired to return Rome to all of her former glory. He studied and learned from the mistakes of the former Roman Emperors, he developed a large cavalry of horses and an extensively large Navy. He wanted to take back the Western Roman Empire from the Germanic people and succeeded in his conquests as he retook much of the Mediterranean basin. Emperor Justinian’s developed a well-oiled machine and he believed that the Germans practiced a mutated form of Christianity that the Roman Church considered sacrilegious. He did not waste any time and sent his military to reclaim much to the western empire that had been lost after the battle of Adrianople and the fall of Rome, this even included the beloved city of Rome. Since Justinian was loyal to Rome he felt that hit was his duty to reduce this threat and return Rome to the Roman rule.
Justinian had a sincere wish to restore the glory of ancient Rome and improve the empire but the means to which he attempted to accomplish this were devastating to his people. With the increase in his

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