
We Should Invest Our Tax Dollars Essay

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I grew up in South Akron, and graduated from Garfield High school. This high school has meant a lot to the community and the students that attended it. This is not just a building, but an institution that has turned out a lot of great minds and professional athletes. Losing the high school in this district would be devastating. I feel that we should invest our tax dollars in our own city, and worry about the future of our own child, by keeping Akron schools in the community of Akron.

Garfield high along with Kenmore High school have been slotted to be torn down. There are no dates as of yet to when the projects will start. The removal of these two public two public high schools would leave the entire southern portion of Akron and nearby Kenmore without a high school in or near these districts.

Building the learning site in Kenmore would cause major busing problems. The city already owns the property of Garfield High school, so why go out and spend money for property, when you have a property already available? Some people may disagree and say Kenmore is an excellent choice property wise, and the land is readily available. I feel that we should invest our tax dollars in our own city, and worry about the future of our own child, by keeping Akron schools in the community of Akron.

My proposal for a solution to the problem is to build a new learning center on the site occupied Garfield High school. This would give the southern portion of

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