
Weight Loss Patient Characteristics

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Patient Characteristics Associated with a Succesful Weight Loss after Bariatric Surgery
While diet therapy has been utilized to help in reducing weight, statistics shows that over 90 percent of individuals who lose weight in this manner gain it back(SITE). As a result, other initiatives such as bariatric surgery were derived. Candidates for bariatric surgery are either severly obese with co-mobordities or morbidly obese(SITE). Severe obesity is defined as having a BMI of 35 to 39 and morbid obesity is having a BMI of 40 or more (SITE). BMI is usually derived from the amount one weighs and their height (SITE).. It is associated with the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, osteoarthritis, certain cancers and overall quality of life (SITE).
Bariatric surgery assists at least fifty percent of …show more content…

This trend is seen similarly in no more than 2 to 5 percent who use diet and physical exercise to lose weight(SITE). However, although the surgery assists in weight loss, there are other contibuting factors that further faciliate weight loss. This paper aims to summarize some of the patient characteristics that lead to weight loss amongst those who have bariatric gastric bypass surgery done.
Research done by _______________ focused on eighty nine individuals who had the gastric by pass. Gastric bypass is a very common bariatric procedure . It has restrictive and malabsorptive properties. During the procedure, the surgeon creates a small gastric pouch that holds 15 mL to 30 mL; this restricts food intake. The gastrojejunostomy provides a mild malabsorptive component that also results in

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