Many pieces of artwork hold an underlying meaning to them, some more clear than others. These messages can also be perceived differently by individuals. The graffiti artist, Banksy produces some of my favorite pieces of art. His unique artwork normally consists of stenciling and spray paint to make images focused on compelling controversial topics with deep meaning. Some of his work, like one of his most popular pieces, "Well Hung Lover" even has a comedic aspect to them. In this image, the audience can see a naked man hanging from the windowsill in hopes that his lover's husband does not see him. At first look this painting is humorous, however it also shows that there has been something going on in the house that the man in the
When you look at art, you wouldn’t think that the artist actually put so much thought and emotion into their paintings. Last week, as I viewed some of the paintings in the Appleton Museum I just really wondered what some of the painters were trying to get across with their paintings or at least what they were thinking of as they painted onto the canvas. Some of the painting on the wall were quite interesting and intricate while other were pretty simple and straight forward. Each of painting have something that make them different and unique. Two paintings that caught my attention were: Wanted Poster #5 by Charles White (1969) and The Judgement of Solomon by Joseph Van Severdonck. Both these painting seemed to have something quite interesting.
Attention Getter: Art can be used to express our innermost feelings and to convey ideas about anything such as society, economics, education, religion, and politics.
Since the beginning of time, artists have labored extensively to find innovative ways to convey sentiment, passion, and feeling. Telling stories and trying to unlock the minds of people through different avenues of artistic labors. Art touches and affects people in unique ways; it can have special or unusual meaning on the person depending on how one views it. Artists’ rendering of their art is interpreted in numerous ways by others who view it unless it is explained by the artist on its meaning giving a clear example of what they are portraying. Two people looking at the same painting, sculpture, portrait, or photo may come to different views on the arts meaning even though they are looking
The art that I find most interesting is graffiti, because it taking the streets and filling them with personality and stories. In the following essay I will be talking about three well known graffiti artist and their art.
The artist depicts an initial confusing and weirded-out thought for the viewer at first glance, but as one deeply examines the art, the subject matter begins to become more clear. The vision being shared in this non-objective painting has a context of placing one in the standing of Mr. Man by gaining height and freedom from the (white) bars that are rising on each level that represent conflict which traps one in a “cage” of misery. The unbalanced symmetry of having the left side take up more space with little action, and the right side being smaller with the action unraveling, makes the viewer break down each composite perspective. For the left side, the mysterious female muse, Moon-Face, has an unproportional face that is almost blushing with shades of light pasty orange, with the mouth wide open. The energetic mood is amplified by the tone of yellow that is splashed in the mouth, representing a loss of words or at a state of disbelief. The female’s lower half is created with tints of red that enhances the curves on her body, as if chiaroscuro connects the light and dark contrast to show outline of the breasts, stomach, and hips in
His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humor with graffiti done in a distinctive stenciling technique. Such artistic works of political and social commentary have been featured on streets, walls, and bridges of cities throughout the world.
How does your piece of art communicate, evoke, or inspire? What do you think the artist was trying to say with his or her work?
It looks like the main focus of this painting is literally in the center of the piece. Anyone that were to ever view this painting could tell from the beginning that the overall view of this content is pathos. In the main section of the painting, there is an image of a person who is getting poured some type of liquid over their head. In this image, we can see the person in the center with no shirt on, and they have a small blue robe type of clothing tied below their waist. Around this person there are two figures with wings, they are wearing mini white gowns and their wings are white also. There is a person next to the wing like figures, that is pouring some type of liquid above the other person, this other human like
Many people enjoy art in variety of different ways: through music, movies, television, writing, reading, painting, tattoos, clothing, jewelry and even the make up they put on. Many people utilize art in order to accomplish different things, for some it is a safe haven used to escape from reality, for others it
The protagonist describes her changing perception of the wallpaper; “At night, in any kind of light…it becomes bars! The outside pattern, I mean, and the woman behind it is as plain as can be” (Gilman 82). Through the expository level of reading, it can be assumed that the woman is an image that the protagonist created for herself. Her attempts at freeing the woman from behind the wallpaper could symbolize her desire to free herself from the situation she is in, and the marriage that she is trapped in. However, the effectiveness of this is dulled as it is only a
What makes art so interesting to every individual? Perhaps it is due to the fact that an object, color, or theme can represent something to one person while at the same time could mean something completely different to another person. Allow me to describe one of my personal favorite works of art, which would be “Relativity” by M.C. Escher in 1953.
Deep meanings can be conveyed in a number of art forms. Each with its own style that tells a story. Some of the mediums that can give these thought-provoking topics are poetry, music, other forms of literature, painting, and a plethora of others. The creator of the pieces can use their own experiences and what they see to show the thoughts and feelings on subjects that are not purely factual. The stories found in the artworks and poetry differ from person to person as no one has had the exact same experiences, even so the works have multiple pieces in common.
Art is meant to make someone feel something. Artists can convey emotions through their art. However, what happens when the emotion that is conveyed in anger, sadness, or grief. This creates controversy in art. I believe that the painting Myra, by Marcus Harvey creates a feeling of anger and sadness within its viewers that creates controversy. This controversy comes from the events behind this painting but also the way the artist, Marcus Harvey, painted it.
Art is a persons’ opinion. The definition of art is the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance. There is no real definition for what is beautiful or appealing to the human eye. Banksy is said to be an artist by some and a graffiti lawbreaker by others. Basically, it is up to the person to define Banksy as someone who is doing the right thing verses doing the wrong thing. Banksy creates his graffiti pictures to make a stand for what he believes is the right way to look at controversial issues. Some people may not like Banksy’s graffiti because they do not have the same views as him. Some people might
Since the beginning of time, artists have labored extensively to find innovative ways to convey sentiment, passion, and feeling. Telling stories and trying to unlock the minds of people through different avenues of artistic labors. Art touches and affects people in unique ways; it can have special or unusual meaning on the person depending on how one views it. Artists’ rendering of their art is interpreted in numerous ways by others who view it unless it is explained by the artist on its meaning giving a clear example of what they are portraying. Two people looking at the same painting, sculpture, portrait, or photo may come to different views on the arts meaning even though they are looking at the