Business Memo To: From: Date: 2/5/2014 Subject: Manager-Employee Issues I am writing the memo to share some issues I have with one of my employees. Ten moths ago I hired a salesman with Chinese origin to help the company to take over the Chinese businesses in Plano, Texas. I cannot “click on personal level” with him since the very beginning of our relationship which is causing troubles in our communications. Another reason for our communication problem could be the different cultural background we have and our opposite personalities. I believe employees should be able to connect to their leader to become good followers. I think I am extrovert and should be able to get closer to him over time but there are some other issues that I …show more content…
Managing subordinates with different cultural backgrounds and working styles from your own is very hard because it makes your decision as manager subjective. Managers tend to evaluate the attitude of the subordinate not his performance and any differences are seen as problems. This creates tension at workplace, atmosphere of low cooperation. Dealing with situation like this should be done with reflecting mind set and self regulation. The manager should step back, explore the issue, weight positives versus negatives, accept the person the way he is and try to be objective in his evaluation. Dealing with “different” subordinate involves paying specific attention to the concept of “psychological work contract.” According to this concept the employee will maintain the high production, low grievances if the manager guarantees and respects the norms of the employee informal culture (let the employees alone, make certain they make adequate wages, and have secure jobs). The issue is that subordinate’s norms of informal culture are altered and usually managers keep requiring the same input without keeping his part of the contract. Understanding the different cultural background and accepting the different working style should help you in taking rational decision. A manager should not be thinking about a problem employee but an employee with problems. When problems are caused by a broken psychological contract the self
ASC 320-10-35-33F: “Changes in the quality of the credit enhancement should be considered when estimating whether a credit loss exists and the period over which the debt security is expected to recover.”
Sparkle Company is a Nigerian diamond mining company. Sparkle is a joint venture, 50 percent owned by Shine and 50 percent owned by Brighten. Both Shine and Brighten are U.S.-based companies with their functional currency being the American dollar. Sparkle Companies functional currency is that of Nigeria, being the Naira. During 2009, Sparkle had several transactions with its joint venture owners and outside parties. The details of Sparkle’s transactions are three loans, three expenditures, and one revenue stream. The loans the company took out were $1 million from Brighten, $1 million from Shine, and 300 million Naira from a local Nigerian bank. The expenditures
IgG – funtions in neutralizing, opsonation, compliment activation, antibody dependent cell-mediated cytocity, neonatal immunity, and feedback inhibition of B-cells and found in the blood.
Read Rush Johnson Farms Inc. v. Missouri Farms Association, 555 S.W.2d 61 and post a draft case study to the discussion board. Identify the Facts, Issue, Holding, Reasoning and Disposition. Case study #1 will be due week 3. This exercise will help you work through the reading a case prior to receiving a grade. Use the LEXIS NEXIS database through the Webster library to access the case.
The Paul Olsen case describes the situation for a decision that Paul Olsen needs to make. Paul and Robert Rose devised a plan to open a piano bar in a new urban mall development in Pittsburg, PA. If successful, Paul and Robert would add a restaurant and café at the same location to grow their business. With three and a half months before opening, Paul did not have enough investors to fund the startup costs, so he needs to decide whether to invest all of his student loan money ($12,500) to maintain the timetable for the opening.
This case is talking about an executive retreat. It was introduced by John Matthews who was a executive had been selected to attend the two-and-a-half-week retreat. The retreat was more like a competition about academic and athletic. The team members should not only get know each other and cooperate with teammates but also need to compete with others. The whole participants were broken into five groups and their aim was to win the competition. There are several sessions about academic and athletic that the participants should complete. After the introduction part the case showed the experience of John. Before the group meeting John was wondering and worried about this retreat. When he was taking the first group meeting, he tried to learn
Shakespeare Inc., a private publishing company issued its F/S on March 20, 2012. There were several accruals and events that the management of Shakespeare is considering to determine if they should be recognized or disclosed in Dec 31, 2011 F/S. In my opinion, the important things to focus on subsequent events are the period they effect and if their influence is material or not, so that in conclusion, the F/S are fairly presented.
Communication is one of the most important parts of any relationship. Business relationships are no different. Having effective business communication or not having effective business communication can positively or negatively impact the success of an entire organization. Unfortunately, there are many barriers that can obstruct effective business communication. Those barriers come in four different categories. Those categories are personal barriers, physical barriers, sematic barriers and process barriers. A manager must know how to work around the communication barriers and use his or her communication skills to keep business operations going smoothly and to make improvements to the
b. What medium would you use to reach each of these parties and what would your relative resource allocation be to each?
Build the management-research question hierarchy, through the investigative questions stage. Then compare your list with the measurement questions asked.
6. If the company decides to go ahead with the targeted stock issue, what specific provisions or features should the stock include to ensure maximum value creation? How closely would you model USX’s targeted stock on GM’s alphabet stock?
Given our analysis of the motion picture industry, we recommend that Arundel carefully select the major film studios from which they intend to purchase sequel rights. The net present value of hypothetical sequels taken from the available previous years shows not only that the industry is highly volatile, but also that certain production studios are more volatile than others in terms of their recent performance. In addition, some studios are consistently less profitable than others. (See "NPV for Each Production Company" chart in appendix) Since the success of film studios are relatively stable in the short term (see "Rental Shares of Major Film Distributors" table and graph) Because of this stability, it is possible for Arundel to approach more profitable studios with their offer to purchase sequel rights. Out of all the major film studios, only MCA-Universal, Warner Bros., and The Walt Disney Company generate a positive net present value on a per-film basis. However, according to casual inquiries, it is unlikely that any movie studio would enter negotiations with Arundel on a per film price that is less than 1 million. Instead, the film studios seem to
b.What are the amounts and timing of the acquisition investment’s free cash flow from 2013 through 2022?
Paramount is a potential merger target to Viacom and QVC for a few key reasons outlined below:
After close review and careful analysis of the case of Andrea Yates and the circumstances which led to the drowning death and murder of her five children, I first would like to state my personal opinion on the conclusion of the case which was the majority consensus at the time of her trial and sentencing. She was guilty of a horrible murder and although certainly had mental problems, which is apparent by her actions that most completely rational thinking human being and mother would be incapable of committing, and expertly