
Western Culture In Egypt

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When considering Egypt, most people think about pyramids and mummification. In general, historians, and not the common person, are educated on the history of Egypt and the details of their culture. The same can be said for Western civilization—people who aren’t educated in this specific topic will most often assume that it involves cowboys and ranch-style living. Western civilization is also known as European civilization; and since Egypt borders the Mediterranean, it can be classified as part of Europe. Therefore, it can lead to mistaken preconceptions about the history of Egypt. In order to understand why Egyptian history isn’t associated with western culture, one must study where their cultures differ. The roots of Western civilization all started in Western Europe, following the end of the Roman Empire. It took shape in medieval Europe, with its feudal society, Christian religion, and growing economic dynamism. During the modern era, Western civilization started to grow and spread from Europe to the Americas, Australia, and other parts of the world. The level of economic power it began to develop was greater than any other civilization had seen. There were also scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and the transformation to personal freedom that took part during this era. Christianity helped shape Western civilization in many ways. Christian theology established the sanctity of individual believers, called for obedience to an authority—Jesus Christ—higher

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