One of the most important things about the Civil War is the politics. One reason for that is in general, if a certain president is elected that can change the outcome of the war. The reason why that changes the outcome of the war is that different people (aka different presidents) have different ideas and plans for how the soldiers should attack or defend from the opposing side. Also the presidents will most likely choose different generals to command their armed forces. The south side created their economy through slaves that they had working at plantations. The south depended on this form of income. The North on the other hand depended on free labor, and was an indusial and financial center of the county. The constitution (ratified in 1787)
Thesis: The constitutional government formed after the Revolutionary War made laws that limited the southern state’s ability to expand without slavery that they could not be economically successful. Argument 1: The government that formed after the revolutionary war lead to the inequality of the laws that it passed to govern the individual states. In 1787, the amended Constitution shift the power of individual states to a national government. Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress depended on the good faith of the individual states. The new Constitution granted the national legislature’s power to impose tariffs, along with the flexibility to collect.
The Civil war was the most momentous and crucial period of time in the history of America. Not only did this war bring an end to slavery but also paved way for numerous social and political changes. The country had already been torn by the negative trend in race relations and the numerous cases of slave uprisings were taking their toll on the country 's political and social structure. The country was predominately divided up into 3 sections, the North, the South, and the West. Each of these groups had different fundamental interests. The North wanted economies depending on farming, factories and milltowns, while the West relied on expansion and development of land for farming and new towns. The South mainly relied on agriculture like
This whole war between the north and the south all started because of one thing. The South wanted slavery intact and the North wanted to keep the union together. Shortly after the civil war came to an end, there was still a problem that had to be dealt with. What would happen to the farms and cities. Not to mention, what would happen if slavery ended? What kind of life would slaves live? The north were the upper states of union. Also were the industrial section of the united states. On the other side, the south were the lower section of the union.Therefore, they were farmers and hard labor workers. They grew most of the food and other goods that go to the all of the united states. The south and the north had many differences between them. They
To begin with, immediately after the election and inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, the newly-established Republican Party’s presidential nominee, eleven states of the South seceded from the Union. These events marked the beginning of the Civil War and the war was a result of many political tensions that had emerged between the North and the South in the prior decades, all of which were associated with the institution of slavery installed in the Southern United States. President Lincoln began the Civil War with the South in response to states’ secession from the Union, and therefore, the war was not solely concentrated over the issue of slavery in American society. The North fought to preserve the Union while the Confederacy fought to
When the civil war happened the North and South were very different but they each had their own advantages. Within the regions each side had different resources, the south had their cotton and generals, and the north had more supplies and people. It may seem like the North had the upper hand but the South had shown that they were not going to go down without a fight.
One of the key factor contributing to the Civil War was States Rights. This refers to the struggle between federal government and individual states over political power. One side argued for greater state’s rights and those arguing felt that the Federal Government needed to have more control over states. The states felt they should have the right to decide if they were willing to accept certain federal acts. Meaning that states had the right to rule federal acts unconstitutional. The federal government denied states this right. When nullification would not work and states felts that they were no longer respected, they moved towards secession from the Union. The southern people were viewed as democratic and depended slaves for the plantations, they were devoted to agriculture and shipped cotton up north and favored low tariffs.
The Civil War was a very gruesome war. The war had become the Union (North) and the Confederacy (South). During the war the union and confederacy had many weaknesses and strengths. Some of them are technology, army/military and government.
The American Civil War started in 1861 and ended in 1865. The two sides of the war are the Union (North) and Confederacy (South). The South wanted to keep slavery to maintain their economy and they worried that the North would end slavery. The South then seceded, starting the conflict. Around 620,000 people died in the war. Both sides of the war had advantages and disadvantages in the Civil War. Population in the South was small because it was based around farming communities, putting them at a disadvantage because they had fewer people to make up their army. On the other hand, they had great generals and a lot of morale. Meanwhile, the North’s large
The Civil War was a time of fighting within the United States brought on by many events including the Missouri Compromise, abolition movement, presidential election of 1860, secession of Southern states, and other occurrences. Most Southern states seceded from the Union, forming the Confederate States of America. The big divide stemmed from the differing positions on slavery. The North had been gradually abolishing slavery and did not depend on such free labor in the way the South did. The agricultural dependant economy of the South relied on African American labor. Therefore, each side feared the stance the government would take on the issue of slavery and how that would affect the economy and politics of the nation. From 1861 to 1865, the
In the early to mid 1800s, the north and south of the United States weren’t so united. The southern states, which included states such as Louisiana, Mississippi and Georgia, believed that slavery was an important factor in the development of plantations. The development of free states and slave states contributed to The Civil War in the way that they were the ones fighting the war. The free states wanted to keep all of the states together while the slave states wanted to make their own laws and rules. While arguing about whether or not to keep the states together as a whole, The Civil War broke out, but eventually the free states, or northerners, won.
The antebellum era exposed the entirely different views and ways of life between the North and the South. These differences can be observed on the economic aspect. The North was industrialized enabling them to have functioning economy without the use of many labors; however, in the south, people relied on agriculture, and thus they needed a large number of slaved labors to help them work on the plantations. Such difference led to the main distinction which existed throughout the entire Civil War, the dependence on the slavery. These differences sparked conflict between the North and the South placing them in an indisputable position, eventually leading to the Civil War. The prosecution of the Civil War of North and South differed drastically. The North fought to preserve the Union which entailed abolishing slavery, enlisting the black in the army and also paying them proper wages, and the South fought to withdraw and preserve slavery and their agricultural lifestyle. These conflicting views did not disappear after the war. Although the North won the Civil War, they still wanted to unify the country, not only territorially, but also economically and politically by enforcing many new laws and amending the Constitution. And the South, even after the abolishment of slavery, people in the south remained hostile toward the freed people, saw themselves more superior than the freed people, and tried to resurrect the “Old South”.(192~198) To achieve the real union and realize the
The Civil War was fought from 1861-1865.(Masur,L 2011) One of its main components was slavery. Many northern states fought to end slavery, while the southern states wished to fight to keep slavery and protect its rights.( The Southern states economy was dependent on cotton which to them made slavery a necessity, while the North was becoming a more industrialized economy.(Masur,L 2011)The separation in economic needs helped to create a divide between the two sections.( In addition to the economy, southern states pushed for nullification. They did not believe that the Federal Government should impose its will on the states. (Masur,L 2011 pg4) The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 did little to reassure the south that their rights to own slaves would be upheld and was basically a final straw for many southern states. ( There were a total of eleven states that would secede from the Union from 1860-1861 prior to the start of the Civil War. These states in order of secession were
A Civil War is a battle between the same citizens in a country. The American Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the independence for the Confederacy or the survival of the Union. By the time Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1861, in the mist of 34 states, the constant disagreement caused seven Southern slave states to their independence from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, generally known as the South, grew to include eleven states. The states that remained devoted to the US were known as the Union or the North. The number one question that is never completely understood about the Civil War is what caused the war. There were multiple events that led to the groundbreaking, bloody, and political war.
In the Civil War the North had many advantages over the South. The South was outnumbered, out supplied, and pushed into a corner using military tactics. Many things changed because of the Civil War. The military tactics used by the North changed how war was fought from then on. Many changes were made politically; some were only temporary, while others were permanent. After the war was over, the country was reunited and the image of the soul and duty of our country redefined.
The American Civil War took place from 1861-1865 was an inevitable event in the American history. More than 640,000 people were killed and millions more were injured during this massive war. The civil war was between the northern and the southern states where its most leading cause was slavery. Along with that, economic, political and social ideologies caused the civil war. The northern states, also known as the union, were more successful and antislavery compare to the southern confederates states. The northern states were more populated, had more industries, and believed in the Declaration of Independence statement that “all men are