
What Are Your Academic Strengths

Decent Essays

When it comes to my schoolwork, I tend to be extremely conscientious, diligent, and ambitious. Some of my academic strengths are my ability to think critically, and my organizational skills. A weakness I have is test taking when I take tests I usually get nervous and forget the information that I learned. I become upset with myself if I earn a C on a test or in a class, and begin to consider what I could have done differently to receive a higher grade and apply my feedback to my next assignment. I am this way when it comes to my studies, because ever since I was a little girl my dad used to get upset with us if we got anything below a B in specific subjects. For example, if we got a C in math my dad would say, “You don’t know how to count? …show more content…

Which I believed shaped me to become a better student and always put school first. I prefer reading assignments over experiments and writing assignments, because I can study the words, and write notes to gain an understanding of the information. I also prefer reading to writing is because I enjoy it, and I feel that I have never been an excellent writer, whereas reading was something that I was exceptional at doing. Something that I remember is as a small child, I would sit on my dad’s lap every day after school and read to him for 30 minutes, which I believe, is the reasoning for my preference of reading over other assignments. I have always been an organized student, but it literally hit its peak when I started high school because I believed high school is one of the most important parts of your life because it shapes your future and so I began to learn new organization skills and tips. I felt the further I increased my skills, the more successful I was going to be, and one of my dreams was to attend college, therefore I was going to do everything possible to achieve that dream. I have always felt that my father was a strict man for no reason, but now as I think about it, he has helped shape me into the student I

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