
My Strengths At Monclair University

Satisfactory Essays

I want to study at a reputed university, with an inspiring environment.

An additional great quality of Monclair University it its rather high rank and

with a great reputation. I seek a good education and definitely appreciate.

Monclair university would provide me the confidence of knowing that I

would be getting the most forward focused education in psychology.

When I evaluate myself as a student, I find that I have many strengths.

I have learned to recognize my strengths as student early in my life. I

believe some of my personal strengths is writing and critical thinking. I

feel it takes me less amount of time to put a paper together. Another of my

strength is oral communication. I recognize that when I have to do a class …show more content…

I tried to make the

presentation enjoyable, so the people stay focused on the information that I

am presenting.

I was fluster and nerves through freshman and sophomore year from

going to a public high school. I went to a parochial catholic school from

Pre-K thru eight grades, we have an average of 14 student per class and

a very small building. I was shock and out of my element went I stared

high school. All those kids walking the hallways and the huge classes,

it was a bit intimidating. I had to take two classes in the junior and

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