What are the main characteristics of ‘emerging markets’?
During the changing of world economy, it is increasingly common to hear the term ‘emerging markets’ and from news and report. In the mid-1980s, the term ‘emerging markets’ was created by the World Bank, and has significant influence on the global business world nowadays (Gwynne, Klak and Shaw 2003). To raise investor’s attention to those developing countries, there are numerous characteristics springing up which are given by researches and economists. However, some of those characteristics are contradictory and it is difficult to give a real definition. This essay discusses the main characteristics of ‘emerging markets’ as defined by the World Bank and economists.
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Kvint (2008) indicates that some statistics of reports on emerging market are contradictory, and this inconsistent situation even can be seen from IMF’s reports. For instance, some emerging countries like China and India are classified as emerging markets and are included in the category of developing countries. On the other hand, many of the sub-Saharan countries as emerging markets are definitely still undeveloped. Kvint (2008) suggests that the main and most important characteristic of all emerging market countries is that they are at some stage during the processes of economic maturation and development of free markets. An attractive environment for foreign investors and global trading has been created based on this characteristic. He suggests the main characteristics in his study: an emerging market country can be defined as a society transitioning from a dictatorship to a free market-oriented economy, with increasing economic freedom, gradual integration within the global marketplace, an expanding middle class, improving standards of living and social stability and tolerance, as well as an increase in cooperation with multilateral institutions (Kvint 2008, online).
Results of his study revealed that 81 countries were selected from the 192 country-members of the U.N. and categorized as emerging markets. Those emerging countries ‘account for nearly half of the gross world product, and attracted about $600 billion of foreign
1. Emerging market is a financial market of a developing country, usually a small market with a short operating history.
· There are expected to be new emerging markets in Asia opening up with the financial boom
PESTLE ANALYSIS1.Wiggleworth,R.Egypt bleat outlook on debt,09/02/11,ft.com2.Stubbs,J,Investor strategy,13/04/07,ft.com3.Ho,S at all,incomplete transfer phenomena,international marketing reviw vol.5.4.Bevis,G,VAT RISE TO 20%,22/06/10.thisismoney.co.uk5.14/09/10,UK inflation rate,bbc.co.uk6.Gardiner,K,at all, Emerging market fear,09/02/11,ft.com.7.Wolf,M,a STRATEGY FOR GROWTH,10/023/11.FT.COM8.Cohen,N,Price inflation hit,15/02/11,ft.com.9.
Cornell strategy note taking system, was developed by Dr Pauk of Cornell University, the Cornell strategy is an excellent study system for organizing and reviewing lecture notes to increase comprehension and critical thinking of course materials, which typically results in improved test scores.
According to Polanyi, a market economy becomes a market society when all land, labour and capital are commodified (Polanyi, 1957). A market society is a structure, which primarily focuses on the production and distribution of commodities and services. This takes place through a free market system, which allows
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In the following analysis, we will show four aspects of the 2010 international macro financial markets from the international monetary market, international debt market, international stock market and international private equity market.
The Indian economy following the 1991 crisis swiftly moved away from central planning economy towards market-based economy with the government having less intervention and control. As a result, companies were operating in what is called emerging
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The perspective of Driffield and Karoglou (2016) on this issue, discuss that the biggest restriction to free trade and globalization is uncertainty. Therefore, many organizations will hinder when it comes making strategic choices about their financial states. Subsequently they derive that one of the most positive impacts that has occurred because globalization is the creation of the free market. They say that the creation of this market has made it easier for organization in the car industry to easily import and export the good that they require from other border countries.
Investing in emerging markets offer tempting advantages to investors. The volatile economies of countries considered to be in this category have a potential for extraordinary returns. A caveat to investors considering opportunities in emerging markets are the presence of unstable governments, the chance of nationalization, poor property rights protection, and large swings in prices. Emerging markets are far from a sure thing. But, despite high individual risk, emerging markets can reduce portfolio risk. The volatile economies of these countries have such low correlations compared to the domestic market that they actually provide the greatest degree of diversification.
Analyse trade mechanisms in both established and emerging target countries in order to expand into foreign markets.
There are many significant change in the world economy occurred, marked by globalization each country has different speed of development under different political and cultural background. During this period, Such as the United States of America 's economic status from the rapid development to the decline, then move to the current stable trend. Brazil, Russia, India, China, which named ‘BRCIS’ those developing countries’ economic performances are very catch the attention in recent years. The decline and rise of these countries ' commercial economy are closely related to their political culture. Therefore, it attracted the attention of scholars and research circles.
Emerging Market Multinationals mainly emerged because domestic companies in developed countries saw a shift in growth pattern once they reached the peak of their economic curve. Growth slowed down and even became stagnant. This was primarily because the markets in the developed countries had already reached their optimum levels. On the other hand, this was the period of time when developing countries began to experience rapid economic growth. This prompted companies to look towards the potential and resources of these emerging markets as their source of salvation and develop