
What Do Female Military Spouses Make Of Interactions With Employment Resources?

Decent Essays

Research Questions
In order to understand military wives’ perceptions of how their military lifestyle have impacted their employment status, the following research questions have been developed and continue to be refined:
1) How do female military spouses perceive being married to service members impacts their decision to seek employment or to not seek employment?
2) What meaning do female military spouses make of interactions with employment resources?
Research Design and Methods The research design and methods of a study are constructed based on identifying the research problem, developing the theoretical framework, and reviewing the literature (Merriam, 2009). However, the heart of any research design, according to Maxwell (2013), is the research questions. The research questions help to focus the study and influence the choice of research design and methods for data collection. “More than any other aspect of your design, your research questions will have an influence on, and should be responsive to, every other part of your study” (Maxwell, 2013, p. 73).
Why Qualitative Methods
Qualitative research, also known as interpretive research, produces data that reveal, “how people interpret their experiences, how they construct their worlds, and what meaning they attribute to their experiences” (Merriam, 2009, p. 5). It is often an inductive process that builds on the participants’ perspectives (Maxwell, 2013). Since this pilot study’s goal is to understand military

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