
What Does Bible Say About The Bible Point Of View?

Decent Essays

Bible, is one of the oldest and most widely distributed books in the world. At least part of it has been translated into more than 2,300 languages. Over 90 percent of earth’s inhabitants have it available in their native tongue. Millions of people read a portion of the Bible every day. Some have read it from cover to cover many times. Thousands of religious groups claim to base their teachings on the Bible, but they do not agree on what it teaches. Adding to the confusion are the strong disagreements between members of the same religion. Some have doubts about the Bible, its origin, and its value. Many view it as a sacred book merely for ceremonial use in making vows or in swearing to tell the truth in court. Taking all point into consideration, Bible will have answers the following questions
Theresearch questions are: (1) What does Bible said about work (2) How can I treat others in bible point of view?

Hypothesis for Question 1: -Find Enjoyment for Your Hard Work

FOR many people in today’s world, work is anything but a pleasure. Laboring long hours at a job that they do not particularly enjoy, they dread going to work each day. The biggest question is how can those with such a mind-set be motivated to take a personal interest in their work—let alone find satisfaction in their job?
The Bible promotes a positive view of hard work. It says that work and its fruitage are a blessing. King Solomon wrote: “Everyone should eat and drink and find enjoyment for all his hard work.

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