
What Does Homeostasis Mean To You Essay

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It mean’s that you are in good health and that you are in good shape, and taking care of your body. You should try to be healthy, because you can live longer and you won’t get sick as much.There are five indicators that I used to find out if I was healthy or not. We are going to take our blood pressure, temperature, breath rate, and our BMI. Then, look at our results and the charts and find my health. Temperature tell us that we are healthy by showing if we are sick, dehydrated, hydrated, and if our temperature is in the normal zone on the chart we are healthy.It changes or adapts by using homeostasis. Homeostasis is something your body does when you get to cold or hot, it changes your body so your temperature is steady and healthy. When, …show more content…

You take your breath rate by using your hand which is optional. You out your hand on your chest and for a minute you count how many times you breath within that minute. My breath rate is 18, I know this healthy, because of the charts I was given and the information that I got in class. The healthy range for someone that is my gender which is female and my age for 14, is greater than or equal to is 16 and less than or equal to is …show more content…

you use a cuff, pump, also a stethoscope .You inflate the cuff until you can’t no more than you start to let some of the air out until you start hearing a heartbeat and that is the systolic then you let it out until you stop hearing a beat that is the diastolic.My blood pressure was 130/70, according to the range for someone my age and gender, I have pre-high blood pressure . So the range for my blood pressure I have is greater than 120/80 but less than 140/90, but since I rushed down to the classroom it could be high because i was rushing and my heart was pumping my blood faster, the healthy range for blood pressure is greater than 90/60 but less than 120/80. BMI stands for body mass index, body mass index is you body weight and your height. BMI is your body and tells your your body and the fat is healthy.My body mass index is 21.3, which is normal. I known this because of the background reacher plus the chart I was given. The normal zone range is greater than 18.5 but less than

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