
What Does It Can Help Teachers Design And Deliver Instruction That Meets Different Learning Styles And Preferences Essay

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VARK is a fun, short, simple inventory with lots of practical educational applications. In this lesson, we will discuss how it can help teachers design and deliver instruction that meets different learning styles and preferences.
!!!What is VARK?
How many times have you hear students say, “I just don’t get it!” It is always important to try to provide instruction that addresses student learning styles. As a teacher, you already try to modify instruction so that all your students can learn; however, it can take time to get to know them and their learning preferences. If that is the case, then _VARK__ may be just what you need.
VARK is a short, simple questionnaire that your students can fill out online so that they (and you!) determine how they learn best. VARK is free for use in schools, and universities for student or faculty development, and as long as you give attribution, there should be no problem in using this tool in your classroom.
The acronym VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic which are the learning modalities observes by the creators of a questionnaire that bears the same name. It is a short, simple way for your students to clarify how they learn best and for you to help them by addressing their learning preferences. So, by encouraging your students to take the questionnaire and discussing their results, they can discover things about themselves they might not have known and which will help them learn in the best way

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