
What Does It Mean To Be A Father

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My childhood was not always the most glamorous or the most exciting, but we dealt with what we had and learned to appreciate what was in front of us. I remember as a child the things my Mother would always tell me and my older brother “Kids, we may not have all the riches in the world, but I will always do what I can to make you both happy”. Growing up without a Father figure was rough and my Mother struggled to raise two boys but eventually, my Step-Dad came along and things did eventually start to get better.

As I am now a Father and am raising a child of my own, I always look back at my own childhood and can remember those days where I would do something wrong and get punished for it. I did not know what it would be like to have a child of my own and have to take on a whole new responsibility until the day I met my daughter. The day came where I received the phone call while at work telling me to get to the hospital, she is coming. It was like my whole heart stopped and for a minute I was thinking “wow, I am fixing to become a Dad”. The whole pregnancy and the 9-month wait does not prepare you for the day your baby arrives. …show more content…

Arriving at the hospital, I had no idea where to go and who to speak with so I just started opening doors and asking where my family was and of course everyone working there just looked at me as if I were stupid. You know the feeling when you drive fast over a hill or you are about to go down the big hill on a roller coaster, the feeling as if your stomach is leaving your body, well that is what I was feeling the very moment I walked into the delivery room to see my newborn

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