
What I Learned Culture And Health Class This Semester

Decent Essays

Ijeoma Unachukwu
Professor Gezmu
Culture and Health
Fall 2014
What I learned in Culture and Health Class This Semester Where do I begin.
I wasn’t going to take this class. I’m already taking Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Disease on Thursday so I thought I filled my Professor Gezmu quota for the semester, but the first day of class I was reeled in. I’m pretty sure I was staring at Gezmu with the most dumbfounded shock-filled face of all time. Prior to the class I really did think I was a cultured person. I’m Nigerian in America. I can pretty much play the race card whenever I want and people think I’m so sophisticated. That was the totality of my racial, cultural, socioeconomic identity: first generation Nigerian Christian living in America from an upper middle class Jewish and Asian town. That was who I was, that was where my opinions came from. And to be honest, I read one of my father’s books about transcultural nursing so I thought that’s what the class was going to be about. Wrong. Day 1. We talked about the definition of culture and after going around the room it was revealed WHITE PEOPLE HAVE CULTURE. This may not be major news, but it was to me. I thought I knew white people. All my friends in high school were white or some derivative. Most of them were Jewish. Jewish people have a culture. They claim it all the time, but all the other non- Jewish white people literally had nothing to talk about on multicultural day. Even the Italians. So imagine my

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