
What If I Was Wrong?

Decent Essays

Roughly two-thousand years ago Jesus came to earth with a purpose. That purpose was to fulfill what the scriptures had intended. Jesus, had been sent to Earth with the intent to wipe or slates clean. So, he did so. He proved many skeptics wrong and I believe he did so as well. Not only, because, then that would make my religion false. But as Dr.Licona had said “What if I was wrong?” A prestigious debate was taking place at a small university between two professors. Both claim to be Christian. Licona, fully believes in the bible, and the other, Martin, questions it to be true. I’m not sure why Dr. Martin even believes in God. He denies the Resurrection, the reliability of the gospels, and is severely skeptical of everything he reads. Yet he adheres to his childhood faith even though he does not believe it for factual reasons. He is a fideism actually living the genetic fallacy! He seems to have been severely compromised by his time at Yale and the highly liberal and umber critical scholarship prevalent there. How in the world can one be a Christian without accepting the bodily resurrection of Christ? He is a prime example of how scholars develop pet theories from over analyzing texts and then embrace sweeping conclusions, being drawn into those conclusions by the predispositions of their needs. One gets the distinct feeling that Dr. Martin is looking for reasons to deny Christ and the resurrection. Licona, opened up the debate with what year Jesus was crucified then risen

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