
What Is A Cocktail Hour Essay

Decent Essays

Although the Cocktail Hour may not be a highlight in your wedding planning details, it can actually be one of the guest’s favorite moments of the wedding! Not only does it kickstart the wedding event, but everyone always enjoys the time sipping drinks and tasting gourmet hors d’oeuvres. Trust us when we say, we have attended countless wedding Cocktail Hours- and they are always a lively and exciting preview of how the rest of the evening will unfold. Consider the mood to your wedding and feel free to tailor these tips to best suit the ambiance you desire. Here are our tips for jazzing up your Cocktail Hour and starting the party right!
DIY Food & Drink Stations
It’s no secret, people like to interact at these types of events. So what’s a great way to get them involved and talking to one another? Food and drink stations! It’s a little known fact that groups of people migrate to …show more content…

Music for the Mingle
Nothing quite sets the mood like a solid soundtrack during a Cocktail Hour. Choose a selection of tunes that reflect your personal style, but won’t be too obnoxious to the newly arriving guests. It’s a good idea to keep it soft, that way your guests have the opportunity to mingle without having to yell over the music. Soft, but decently upbeat music will set the tone while enhance the …show more content…

For the brews, consider a selection of imported, lights, darks and even local microbrews- Not to mention, the bottles look great with multiple custom brands. Why not jazz up your champagne selection with a tasty addition such as fruity puree blends, candied hibiscus, or even pop rocks! Enhance the idea even more by adding a beer or champagne “testing area” that allows your guests to try various types and flavors. Consider keeping these areas separate from the “cocktail” areas as it will decrease the chances of wait time to grab a

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