
What Is A Sphere Mental Model Response For Younger And Older Children?

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This is my results section.
This is my sections for results about Hypothesis 1.
This is how I prepared the data for this analysis. The figure was based on the table converted from the collected raw frequency data. This table has the percentage of the sphere and not sphere responses made by younger and older children. However, only sphere data for younger and older children were selected. By graphing this data, we are able to make a comparsion between the percentage of younger children and older children who endorse the sphere model. The data is presented below in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Sphere mental model response of the earth given by younger and older children.

Figure 1 shows that the percentage of older children who endorse …show more content…

This figure was made by choosing the data looking at the total amount of responses given by younger and older children broken down by different mental models of the earth. The data is presented below in Figure 3. Figure 3. Frequency of alternative models of the earth as a function of age.
Figure 3 shows that except for the sphere model, the frequency of younger children endorsing the other mentals models (flat sphere, hollow sphere, dual earth and disc earth) is higher than that of older children.
The aim of the study is to examine the influence of age and gender on children’s scientific understanding of the earth. The hypotheses related to age factor are supported. The present results show that a higher percentage of older children would endorse the sphere model more often than younger children, thus supporting the hypothesis emphasizing that age is associated with a scientific understanding of the structure of the earth. The current study also supports the hypothesis that younger children construct different mental models of the earth compared to older children. However, the hypothesis that gender is associated with a scientific understanding of the structure of the earth. The present study shows that the number of female and male children endorsing the sphere model is roughly the same.
The findings of the present study coordinate positively with the past findings, thus advocating the first hypothesis and the third

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