
What Is Dynamic Segmentation?

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Customers desire better promotions. Your generic offer—that only satisfies half their needs—isn’t compelling enough.

That’s a daunting hurdle to overcome as a SaaS business. You have a diverse group of users with varying needs, from the solopreneur to the Fortune 500 enterprise.

You need a robust solution that can send customized promotional emails. Then, your tailored 15% product discounts won’t get skipped over in users’ inboxes. Dynamic segmentation is the tool you’re so anxiously seeking. It helps you deliver promotional emails that adjust to your users’ behaviors. You can send unique offers to relevant audiences to earn higher conversions.

By investing in dynamic segmentation, customers receive a suitable deal, and your SaaS team …show more content…

Some of your deals may benefit trial users who signed up within the last month. Or your team could focus on loyal fans who’ve enrolled in your yearly subscription plan twice.

With, your team can replicate this technique right now. Create segments from a combination of attributes, actions, events, frequency, and times. Here’s a segment targeting trial users in Germany who haven’t accessed their accounts in the past 15 days.

Agorapulse implements a similar strategy. Customers sticking with the platform for 3 months receive a 25% off coupon on their next month’s subscription (if they leave a review).

Dynamic segmentation opens the door to personalizing the customer experience. Subscribers will be more inclined to pay attention to your offer and click the link.

Select the Right Timing
Bombarded with email from friends, family, and co-workers, the last thing you think a customer would want is a message from your business. In fact, they do. The Data & Marketing Association reports that “almost 50% of consumers prefer to hear weekly from companies sending promotional emails.”

It’s still important to not overwhelm your subscribers. Sending too many promotional emails can result in habituation. That happens when customers get so used to your actions that they will eventually ignore them.

To prevent subscribers from tuning out your promotions, you want to develop the right timing in your email delivery. Consider sending messages on

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