
What Is Jesus An Apocalyptic Teacher

Decent Essays

It is evident in many belief systems that Jesus was a teacher sent from G-d. Now whether or not Jesus was an apocalyptic teacher is a question that many scholars have yet to find an answer to. In the eyes of Marcus Borg, Jesus did not teach about the coming of the Kingdom of G-d but instead about an alternative wisdom. Wisdom that was different from conventional or the “norms” of that time.
According to Borg, Jesus was not an apocalyptic teacher. Instead he argues that Jesus was a teacher of alternative wisdom in that he wanted people to follow “the road less travelled” or the path that was harder but was well worth it in the end because they would ultimately meet their creator. He uses the sayings of Jesus in Luke 17:21 that says, “For indeed, …show more content…

In Jesus’ final sermon to his disciples, Mark 13, Jesus talks about the imminent coming of G-d. He says that people will come and claim to be the Messiah and that there will be war, famine and earthquakes. Jesus says that no one knows the day or the hour, not the angels or the son but only the Father. He ends by saying, “All these things shall be fulfilled in your own time.” In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul says that, “The Lord will descend with angles and collect his followers.” The same message appears in the synoptic gospels (Mk 13:26-27, Matt 24:30-31, Lk 21:27). Another example of the coming of the Lord is in Luke 21:32-37 where Jesus explains the urgency of being prepared and being watchful because, “the world will pass away and so will the sky…it will come down for sure on all who inhabit …show more content…

However, I do somewhat agree with what Borg says in that Jesus also taught about wisdom and that we need to take the “road less traveled”. I believe Jesus’ focus was on bringing people closer to the Father though his word so that one day they could make it into the Kingdom of Heaven when Jesus comes back. I also believe that Jesus was not expecting the end of day in his generation but in a generation that was to come. All in all, there are more arguments that support rather than oppose the belief that Jesus taught about the end of days. Borg only focuses on the passages that support his claim and not the passages that don’t and in order to have a good and reliable argument he should have given passages that oppose his belief and say how they could possibly be

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