
What Is Language Devoid Of The Social Context Of Its Creation And Use

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To make language devoid of the social context of its creation and use is to dislocate it from which it derives its meanings. Thus ridding it of its use with the only benefit of understanding what it is made up of. However, understanding what language is made of and understanding how to use it are two different things, neither of which will give you a complete understanding of language on its own. Using Gardner’s analogy of language being like a fish you dissect as well as observe within its habitat, to view language as devoid of its social context is to remove the fish from the ocean, the environment in which is serves its purpose. In order to understand what forms it, however, removal and dissection is necessary. Unfortunately, neither …show more content…

An opposing argument would be that one’s thoughts aren’t necessarily used to communicate and yet they still use language. People talk like others and still each of us has our own unique style (Bakhtin, as cited in Gee and Hayes 2011, pg. 7). Our immediate surroundings in the early stages of development shape the language we learn to speak first. Looking at Darwin’s theory of evolution (1859, cited in O’Neil 2013, para. 20) and how the finches from the Galapagos Islands were all divergences of their ancestral species, the language which we develop from our social and cultural backgrounds evolves (obviously in a much faster process than that of the finches). This is the way language changes and yet remains the same.
After studying language development in children, Michael Halliday identified seven functions it had for them. The first four help satisfy physical need and the last three help them understand the environment.

“Language is a communal resource from which we all beg borrow and steal” (Gee and Hayes, 2011, pg. 7). It has also been suggested by Gee and Hayes (2011) that it would be highly likely that all human language developed from one original language. We can see a similar idea in Minna Sundberg’s illustration of the Old World Language Families tree, where Indo-European branched off to European, which then branched off to Germanic, West Germanic, Anglo-Frisian and finally English. Even in the book of Genesis it is written that “the whole word had

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