Q.1- Explain briefly social responsibility.
Is the conception that businesses should balance profit-making activities with activities that benefit society; it involves developing businesses with a positive relationship to the society in which they operate.
Q.2- Explain Managerial Ethics.
Ethics are the moral codes that govern behavior of a person or group of people regarding what is right and wrong. ... Ethics point the way to a particular course of action defining acceptable behaviors and choices. Managerial ethics are a set of standards that dictate the conduct of a manager operating within a workplace.
Q.3- Write a detailed report on how we can make the society better by being socially responsible and giving importance to ethical values.
The role of the
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Ethics of Marketing and Sales
Marketing, which goes beyond merely providing information about (and accessing) the product, may seek to deal with our values and behavior. This is acceptable to a certain extent, but where is the moral line that can be put? Marketing ethics are strongly intertwined with media ethics, because marketing is heavily used by the media. However, the ethics of the media is a much larger subject and extends beyond business ethics.
Pricing: price fixing, price discrimination, and reduction.
Anti-competitive practices: These tactics include pricing to cover issues such as manipulation of loyalty and supply chains. See: anti-competitive practices and antitrust law.
Specific marketing strategies: Demonstrate trend to the environment and fraud in advertising, shill, viral marketing, e-mail (e-mail), hierarchical system, planned obsolescence.
Ads: offensive ads, second-hand messages, sex in ads, or products that are considered unethical or
Business organizations today are socially and ethically responsible for doing the right thing, exercising good judgment in their business activities with employees, stakeholders, customers and the community. Business organizations emphasis should not only be on profits, but also on how business decisions impact society.
Social responsibility is an ethical framework which suggests that an organization or individual has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every organization has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the environment
According to Merriam-Webster, ethics is defined as an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior. Some would argue that definition is rather vague. A more complete understanding of ethics would suggest that it is more than just an area of study but rather a way of life; moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior. If one is ethical and has good moral standards, it is usually seen in that person. Simply put, ethics could be considered the standards of behavior as to which society accepts.
Ethics are statements written that mirrors the principles of society it reflects society’s views of what is right or humanitarian. However, morals are not written and are codes setting out what is thought to be good enough or offensive behaviour.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines anti-competitive practices as the many ways firms restrict inter-firm competition to maintain or to increase their relative market position and profits without necessarily providing goods and services at a lower price or at a higher quality. The American Federal Trade Commission states that anti-competitive practices include activities such as price fixing, group boycotts and exclusionary exclusive dealings. These activities are generally grouped as agreements between competitors (horizontal conduct) and monopolization (single firm conduct).
The Business Dictionary defines social responsibility as, " A company's sense of responsibility toward the
Ethics is the process of doing right or wrong. It assists a person in the deciding if something is moral or immoral or if it is socially desirable (Dess, McNamara, & Eisner, 2016, p. 368). A person can get his or her ethics from religious beliefs, heritage, family, the community, education and friends. Organizational ethics is the values, attitudes and behavioral patterns defined by the organizations culture. Organizational ethics determine what is acceptable behavior.
Social responsibility is a construct of appropriate ethical behaviors, where two or more individuals, and corporations strive to provide better outcomes for the benefit of society as a whole. With such a set of meticulous structured frameworks in mind, it is fundamental to achieve a harmonious balance between the ecosystem and the developing economy. However, social responsibility is not always first and foremost on the mind of big name corporate companies – such as General Mills Inc.
Ethics refers to a system of moral standards that guide the decision for human conduct of what is right and wrong based on everyday life situations, usually in terms rights, obligations, benefits, fairness, or virtue. Ethics is used as a formal guideline for conducting business in order to minimize pain to the greater number of people as a whole. The principles of ethics come from the knowledge and understanding of the word of God, the Bible. It tells us how we ought to think and behave toward one another considering first, how we want to be treated. For instance, we have the right to freedom of speech as long as we don’t insult the integrity of others. In addition, God gives us examples for how make right decisions and
Ethics are principles of behaviour that distinguish between right and wrong. Resnik (2011) defines ethics as” a method, procedure, or perspective for deciding how to act and for analysing complex problems and issues” (p.1). People face ethical decisions; however, People working in business frequently face ethical decisions. Business ethics is the evaluation of business activities and behaviour as right or wrong (Society for Business Ethics, 1991).
Ethics are the principles and values an individual uses to govern his activities and decisions. In an organization, a code of Ethics is a set of principles that guides the organization in its programs, policies and decisions for the business. The ethical philosophy that is used by an organization to conduct business can affect the reputation, productivity and bottom line of the business (1).
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large (American Marketing Association, 2013).Marketing ethics is a set of moral values and standards which pertain to marketing. Responsible companies will operate and regulate their marketing activities into compliance with the marketing ethics while those irresponsible one may not.
A business exists because of relationships between employees, customers, shareholders or investors, suppliers, and managers who develop strategies to attain success. Social Responsibility is an organization’s obligation to maximize its positive impact on a community and stakeholders and to minimize its negative impact (Ferrell, 2009). Company Q’s
My judgment of marketing is the systematic series of actions between the service and product with the consumer completing the purchase. Marketing is not all about advertising or distributing flyers. It consists of having the right pricing objective and promotional mix to entice consumers into purchasing the product or service at a reasonable price, and that the promotion is appealing. Ethics in marketing is vital; it compromises on cutting and rising of prices, marketing at selective locations only, and false information of a specific product or service that may cause a bad name to the company’s associations.
Ethics is defined as moral principles of conduct, which people usually agree with. Unlike in law there is no punishment involved in ethical values, if you don't follow according with the standards. There are many things that influence ethical behaviour. These can be personal reflection, religious beliefs, culture, experiences and family influences. If broadly speaking, ethics is the science or study of the morality of how humans act through the medium of natural reason.