
What Is The Difference Between Red Cross And The National Wildlife Federation

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American National Red Cross and the National Wildlife Federation The difference between The American National Red Cross and the National Wildlife Federation show that even though they are both set up to help the community in a specific way, they both were founded to affect in a positive manner the earth that we share with each other. Both the American National Red Cross and the National Wildlife Federation may be non- profit organizations, however they are set up differently and work in completely different problems. To begin with, the Red Cross is a non-profit corporation while the National Wildlife Federation is a private non-profit organization. This means that as a corporation, the Red Cross is owned by a group of people but is seen as a separate entity (person) by the law. The Red Cross has a lot of volunteers who dedicate hard work for the satisfaction of helping others. The Red Cross is not only stationed in the United State but is an international organization that share an equal responsibility in each country to help when called upon. It is known all across the world for helping people when they are in dire need of assistance after any catastrophic weather destruction, dangerous diseases, and war after-math. The Red Cross is not a discriminatory organization and promotes understanding and cooperation among all people. It does not side with any country or nation no matter the religion, political views, or race because its sole purpose is to help others. While the National Wildlife Federation is a private non-profit organization, which means that it is privately owned by a group of people, and is seen as a …show more content…

Both have different history backgrounds and beginnings, which they have worked hard to maintain. The American National Red Cross was first founded in the 21 of May in the year 1881 by Clara Barton in Washington D.C.. Clara

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