
What Is The Equation For The Frequency Of A String Used?

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String used
(4.2mm metal Elixir)
The equation for the frequency of a string f=1/2L*√(T/μ), also shows that linear density μ affects the frequency of the string. If different strings were used, the frequency will also change because of the different materials and construction changing the linear density
Use the same string for all trials and all variations of the independent variable.
Temperature of room When the temperature of a material increases, the material expands. If the string expands and its length increases, as described before, the frequency produced will change. Conduct the experiment in an air conditioned room to keep the temperature constant

Apparatus Newton Meter, 100N maximum reading Tape Measure, 3 Meters Classical Guitar …show more content…

Hold the guitar to prevent it from moving. Make sure that the string is always 60cm long by using the tape measure. If the string is stretched because of the pulling force, use the string winder to shorten the string back to 60cm While keeping the tension and length constant, strum the string to make it emit sound. An assistant is needed to do this, as to keep the tension on the string, one hand must hold on the guitar with the other pulling on the newton meter The phone will then measure the frequency of sound emitted. Repeat steps 7-11 for all 5 trials, and all 5 variations of the independent …show more content…

The force could cause the guitar string to snap or the string could detach from either the newton meter or the string winder. When this happens, the string could hit people around the apparatus. Make sure the string is securely tied to both the string winder and the newton meter. As mentioned before in the method, goggles should be worn when conducting the experiment as a precaution, if the string was to snap or become detached. Another minor concern is the guitar falling off the surface being used for the experiment. This could hit people’s feet and/or damage items it falls on. To prevent this, the guitar must be firmly held when the tension is being applied.
Raw Data
Frequency of Sound Produced by Guitar (± 0.1 Hz)
Trial Number Tension of String (± 0.5 N) 10 20 30 40

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