
What Is The Experience Of My Life

Decent Essays

During my eighteen years of living, I have gone through adversity, and overcame every obstacle God has stored in my life. I’m blessed to be living the life I live today, and wouldn’t want my life in any other way. Looking back at my life, I could see the hardest obstacle I had to go through. It helped craft me into the man I am today, and without it happening I don’t know where I would be today. My defining moment is my parents being in the military and constantly getting deployed throughout my whole childhood.
Having parents in the military isn’t easy. You constantly thinking if they’re okay, and when they're ever going to ever be able to come back home. I can for sure say that my parents mean everything to me, and I couldn’t bare to see one of them go. At a young age too, you really don’t know much about what’s going on unless you watch the news or hear gossip on the playground, but it always seemed to me that I knew exactly what was going on. I’m the youngest of three, I have one brother and a sister. We are relatively close in age, my brother only being three years older than me, and my sister being a year older. My family is very close to each other. We always keep in touch since all of us have moved out the house and gone to college or either joined the military. I don’t think that if it wasn’t for my parents serving years in the military and being gone so much, that we would have such a tight bond as we do now.
My parents both served years in the Air Force. They met

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