2A The Inquiry Question What is you inquiry question and how does it relate to the improved learning of your students? Standards 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 3.3 My question for Inquiry is: How can I differentiate Mathematics in order to support and extend students?’ By differentiating the Numeracy Program, all students’ needs will be targeted by exposing students to outcomes and activities, which are achievable and challenging for students. The focus learning area for each lesson and group of learners will be tailored to suit the individual learning needs of the students as will the set tasks associated with the learning focus. Students will be supported by the class teacher and the strategies put in place within each lesson. The purpose of …show more content…
• In the multiplication game, the better students with greater number fact recall where able to stay in the game longer thus getting more practice than their peers who were not as fluent • Does this style of game punish those students not as fluent in number facts • The random nature of the sums may not be challenging enough or far too challenging for others • How is progress recorded An alternative I have used in my class in delivered via student I-Pads, and awards points via speed and accuracy. In addition, unlike the above mentioned game, no student is expelled from playing/learning using my tool, and because each student has a log in, I am able to export the data at any time to have use as both an assessment tool and a further method to design future differentiated classes. As such I believe observing what is a traditional math game, the delivery method I use with the reporting capabilities and its inclusive nature means I am able to improve my own best practice from observations from my peers as reinforcement for
The school’s curriculum priorities focus on literacy, numeracy and science and provides a range of enriching learning opportunities and experiences for students (Victoria Point State School, 2015). In regard to literacy and numeracy, the school aims to increase reading and number understanding by coordinating focus reading groups across year level cohorts and offers focus numeracy groups with additional teacher aide support (Victoria Point State School, 2015). Furthermore, to assist with reading and numeracy support, the school has additional teachers and teacher aides to target this (Victoria Point State School, 2015).
Questioning strategies is the main focus of the article. Mr. Reinhart wanted to implement questioning strategies into his teaching style. He found that children did not feel comfortable sharing their ideas and engaging with peers. It is important that a teacher teaches a couple new skills before moving forward, allowing students to accept and adjust to the next expectations being established. “Improving questioning skills is difficult and takes time, practice, and planning” (Reinhart, 2000). Mr. Reinhart explains making a list of strategies and practice different techniques in daily
To ensure that I have met the needs of the learner I continually observe and assess the students. I will have questions and answer sessions at regular
In the competitive game-based learning situation, students sat in their own seats, at their own desks and played games against the computer (not other students). In the end of the two gaming sessions, each of the students “own” score were compared against other students in the class.
- To develop a positive attitude to numeracy and maths as an interesting and exciting subject in which all children gain success and enjoyment
Chapter one in the book Number Talks introduces the rationale for number talks and gives an overview of the basis of what a number talk would look like in a classroom. Number talks can be conducted in a small group or whole group setting. It is used to help children develop strategies for solving math problems and to deepen their understanding of numerical relationships. The three main goals of teaching through number talk sessions are to help students compute with accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility (5). Chapter one gives examples of how to highlight different strategies.
(1.2) Compare the strengths and limitations of teaching and learning approaches used in own area of specialism in relation to meeting individual learner needs?
This type of activity could potentially enhance a students understanding of mathematics because of the numerous forms of one idea. Not only will they experience hands on learning, they listen to the story, practice an activity, and then are able to create their own story. They also are able to experience it in a way that provides them positive reinforcement. We know that everyone learns a little bit differently, allowing many different forms of teaching the chances of students who all learn a bit differently to all have the chance to fully understand the
Ya, well It happened in DQ.Jamie and I were there and then Sazer showed up. Jamie walked over and told Sazer he was not smart enough to go college or join the marines.I knew that Jamie was crossing some lines but what Sazer did is still engraved in my brain!
In order to reach individual children the teachers,"… encouraged children to look closely, notice detail, pose questions, and reflect on what they learned" (Ogu, U. & Schmidt, S., 2009, p.5). I think that this is a great way to
A closer look at the results reveals even more interesting ideas. As Frank concluded in his study with the Pirahã (2008), a group of people without an exact numeral system, the lack of this numeral system may form a barrier for remembering and tracking exact quantity. The Mr. Elephant game invites the children to a task on a similar topic because the peanuts go into an opaque box and thus they are required to track the original amount. Drawing from the knower-level view, CP-knowers should understand the actual meaning of numbers and how counting works, while SS-knowers only understand up to a certain number and do not realize that the same principle is to be applied to all numbers. Thus, the CP-knowers are the ones who truly grasp the meaning behind the number words, while the SS-knowers tend to use number words without understanding them. Following this
Lin, Chun-Hung; Liu, Eric Zhi-Feng; Chen, Yu-Liang; Liou, Pey-Yan; Chang, Maiga; Wu, Cheng-Hong; Yuan, Shyan-Ming (2013) conducted a study on Game-Based Remedial Instruction in Mastery Learning for Upper-Primary School Students incorporating instructional materials related to "area of a circle" into the popular Monopoly game to enhance the performance of sixth-grade students learning mathematics. The results revealed that (a) both instructional videos and the proposed Monopoly game enhance the learning of mathematical concepts; and (b) the Monopoly game is more effective than instructional videos at leveraging the benefits of mastery learning. The findings paved a way to integrate games and mastery learning into after-school remedial instruction
Gee (2007) covers 36 learning principles in his book. Some of these principles can be incorporated into traditional classroom. One of the principles that Gee discusses is the semiotic principle. The semiotic principle focuses on images, symbols, graphs, words, which are often integrated. In books, words are not the only focus in understanding the meaning of the text. When looking at the whole text, students will notice that there are images as well as symbols that can have different meanings. Graphs can provide students with factual information such as the amount or a percentage of something. All these signs are interrelated and can help students understand and identify with the games better when they are able to understand it’s functions. The games can have different focuses such as science, mathematics, social studies, art, and etc…Fisrt, students learn a subject in a classroom, and then play a game with similar information that was learned in the classroom. The information that is received becomes a great learning method and the student will learn the information more effectively.
Subjects that might be monotonous for some – like math and science – can be much more engaging with virtual lessons, tutoring, and the streaming of educational videos (Khan, 2012, p. 17). This carries tremendous weight for me. As a student who struggled with Math, the best way that I learned was through computer games because it was fun and interesting to me. When students are given the opportunity to learn at their pace, stress levels are managed and scores are increasingly higher because the student is given the opportunity to grow their confidence and complete the task at hand without feeling any pressure.
The Department of Education Queensland (Australia) 1994 utilizes five key Principles of Effective Learning and Teaching and provide a criteria to which this software game relates, based on Australian interpretation of effective learning and teaching. The five key principles, which are relevant to all areas of education including mathematics and logic, emphasize the understanding of the learner, provides for active construction of meaning, ensures a