The most cruel type of animal abuse is to farm animals. Did you know that chickens spend their whole lives in small cages that they can barely fit in? Or that male chick eggs are either thrown into a trash bag to suffocate and die or are chucked into high speed grinders, while still alive? Slaughter houses are where all the action happens. The chicken's legs are shackled together, their throats are cut, and they are thrown into very hot water to remove their feathers. This is unfair to farm animals. Male chickens do not get to live for one day before they are murdered.
The treatment of animals on slaughterhouse farms get treated like they have no use, when they are of great use to humans. Animals should not get treated like they are useless. The workers that treat animals poorly need to be fired. They are being inhumane and unreasonable. Those animals that are suffering are doing it to provide a meal on millions of people’s tables. The way we kill animals makes no sense. Think about being in those animals positions. What would you want to change if people were skinning you alive, or pounding your head to the ground so you’ll die?
At this time and age animals are used like slaves placed in captivity in dark, dusty and dirty cells only to be brought and put through cruel ,painful and inhumane tests. It is cruel to put unprotected animals through such experiments. I also believe it is unethical to make animals live life in a lab cage and intentionally put through harm isolation and distress. We all know how bad it is to feel fearful, frightened and terrified.
Imagine being locked in a cage where there isn’t room to turn around, being hung upside down and skinned alive, de-beaked and electrocuted. This only begins to describe the abuse animals in factory farms face every day. Chickens are “typically kept in semi-darkness, and the ends of their sensitive beaks are cut off with hot blades without any painkillers” (PETA Media…) to prevent stress-induced behaviors caused by extreme confinement. They are crammed into tiny wire cages, where they do not have enough room to even spread their wings. When cattle are “still very young, they are burned with hot irons, their testicles are ripped out of their scrotums, and their horns are cut or burned off—all without painkillers” ( The calves raised for veal are separated from their mothers very shortly after birth and “are deliberately and permanently squashed so that muscle growth is inhibited and the flesh is tender” (Factory Farming Database). Piglets have their “testicles cut out of their scrotums, their tails cut off, many of their teeth clipped in half, and their ears mutilated, all without any pain relief. Terrified and in extreme pain, the piglets are often put alone into tiny metal wire cages which
Animal abuse is said to be an under reported abuse stated by The Humane Society, it is also seen as a disturbing abuse. The rate in which animal abuse is going is only making it terrifying. The statistics of animal abuse are rising more and more with each year that comes. Although humans see it as something unfathomable, animal abuse occurs every day.
Unfortunately today there are many cases of animal abuse happening around the world. Animal cruelty or animal abuse can be defined as the infliction of suffering or harm upon animals for purposes other than self-defense. There are many different types of abuse such as using animals for research, using animals for entertainment purposes, abandoning animals to shelters, and animal neglect. We need to raise awareness and find a solution to these issues. Animals are suffering and we need to help them.
In the last decade, the views and forms of animal cruelty have changed. Many people have different views of an animal’s rights or purpose. Some people believe that animals have no rights and are a piece of property to be utilized by humans. To others, animals can still be used by humans, but they have emotions as well. A few people consider that only certain animals with high intelligence like chimpanzees or monkeys, should not be used by man, and they should have all the rights that man has currently (“Animal Rights” , 2009). Domestic violence has a correlation with animal abuse. In a survey, 71% of domestic violence victims also reported that their abuser also targeted pets/animals. The most common animals who are abused are cats, dogs, horses,
Animal abuse also has an impact on the abuser. Sometimes it leads to bad decisions in the future. "A number of studies show that 70% of animal abusers lead to other crimes." Acts of animal cruelty are connected to other crimes, including violence with people, property crimes, and drug or disorderly conduct offenses. Seven boys who did schools shootings that took place in 1997-2001 have done acts of animal cruelty. (Animal Cruelty and Human Violence.) Patrick Sherrill who had a part time job as a mailman for the post office in Edmond, killed 14 co-workers before he shot himself. Sherrill had a deep history of dog fighting. (Animal Abusers blog) "Police know that in homes where animal abuse is a problem, other issues are often concurrent (Animal
Therefore animal abuse is cruel, has a punishment ,and has a large effect on the animal. The poor animal are treated so poorly and neglected. The punishment is not worth hurting the animals. The effect on the animal is not worth it either. So there is no reason to be cruel you get punished and the animal is harmed and is affected health wise. In the end it is not worth hurting the animal, or risking the punishment so its better to try and stop animal abuse.
This is an essay on behalf of animals receiving the respect and freedom they’ve always deserved. A big question that’s lingered in my mind and maybe even yours, is why we are still having to fight for freedom and respect? And what’s even more ludicrous to me is the fact that this is still a problem with humans! I have always been passionate about this subject, and my hope with this paper is that I bring awareness and compassion to a serious situation at hand. I believe at this time, it is best to have stricter laws against animal cruelty and mistreatment. I’m not the best at coming up with ways of preventing people from doing things (enforcement), and I hope to find those that can!
In Southern China, “Pizza” who is also know as “the world’s saddest polar bear”, spends his life confined to a small display in a shopping mall. Every day he paces past the drawing of icebergs, sits below the artificial lights and spends his days by an air vent to sniff the outside world. This poor bear spends his entire life confined just for the mere entertainment of thousands of people. The fact that defenseless animals are nearly tortured for entertainment and profit is shameful and they must be freed. The space provided does not allow an animal to live freely causing detramental affects to their lives. it is our job to care for these animals becasue they cannot for themselves.
According to wikipedia, animal cruelty is defined as the human infliction of suffering or harm upon any non-human animal, for purposes other than self defense or survival. Most people see animal abuse as running over animals on purpose or the neglecting of pets, but with each passing day, the types of animal cruelty continue to increase. Although most of the world's population believes that animal cruelty is mostly found on the streets and in the homes, there are countless other forms of animal abuse. Some significant contributors to animal abuse around the world are, fishing, animal testing, and slaughterhouses.
Animal Cruelty is a major problem in today's society, and the consequences of these actions are not as severe as the consequences should be. These crimes should be punishable and equal to human assaults. For example if anyone were to assault a human and get two years, then the person abusing an animal should get two years as well. Animals are living things just as humans are so the crimes should be equal in punishment. Several animal crime punishments are dependent on the severity of the crime which is not acceptable. They should be two year minimum if anyone decided to hurt an animal, it would be the right consequence to hurting a living creature. There are several types of animal abuse in today's society, such as dog fighting, hoarding, puppy mills (animal breeding) and other cruel acts of torment. Dogfighting is one of many acts of torture upon animals which has become a huge problem due to the fact that people do it to entertainment themselves or for a profit. The ASPCA said “Dog fighting is often associated with other forms of criminal activity including illegal gambling and possession of drugs and firearms. By our estimate, there are tens of thousands of dog fighters in the U.S., forcing hundreds of thousands of dogs to train, fight, and suffer every year” (ASPCA 2017). Another major issue that abuses animals is animal hoarding in the United States, with certain people not knowing when enough is enough. For example most people who hoard animals are not usually aware of how many animals are on the premises and that they are in fact hurting the animal instead of making a difference in these animals’ lives. In addition the ASPCA has found that, “Every year in the United States, a quarter of a million animals fall victim to hoarding” (ASPCA 2017). Another type of animal cruelty that not to many people think about are the puppy mills, which are just dog breeding factories who care about nothing but the profit of the puppies. When people go into the malls and they purchase a puppy from the pet store, these people may not realize but are helping the people who run the puppy mills make a profit and continue to hurt these innocent animals. “In addition, puppy mill puppies often arrive in pet stores and in their
Animal cruelty is the worst thing to ever happen to animals. They do not deserve to be treated any type of way, they are just like humans. Thousands of animals are being abused every single day if you ever even thought about it. Why not care about them and not treat them right, they deserve to be treated right. There are animals that are treated differently, for instance home animals, shelter animals and homeless animals. Those three has things that are similar and opposite from each other. As of today we need to find way in order for all the cruelty to stop, because people do not want to be treated as the way animals are treated. For example of our saying “treat others the way you want to be treated and everything would go great”.
The abuse and cruelty by humans towards animals have been on the rise as producers and retailers of cosmetics and drugs rush to position their products in the global markets. Scientific tests remain a leading player in animal abuse, especially due to the controlled environment while being experimented (Norton, 157). While there are myriads of local and international rules and regulations guiding the human
“Over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans. More than 3,000 animals die every second in slaughterhouses around the world. These shocking figures do not even include fish and other sea creatures whose deaths are so great they are only measured in tones.” (“animal equality”) Animal abuse can be many forms, some of which are animal testing, fur farms, or neglecting an animal and abandoning them on them (“Types of Animal Cruelty”). When people think of animal cruelty, they often think of violence inflicted on an, animal but animal cruelty is the causing suffering or harm intentionally to any animal or It can be not caring properly for the animal.