
What Language Does Your Patient Hurt?

Decent Essays

What Language Does Your Patient Hurt In? I think the reason an author would write this book is to help a health care provider better understand how to deal with different cultures in a work place. There are so many different cultures in the world and every culture does things differently. By having this book to read helps one to understand what to expect and what not to expect with these cultures. It gives great tips on different tasks to do the right way, so that a patient is not offended by something that was said or done. Also, it tells a lot about how to keep a good professional attitude with the different sorts of cultures. I think the value to the class is that it will help us as medical assistants know what to do if we have people from a different culture. All cultures are very different when it comes to life itself. Some cultures believe in something that another doesn’t believe in. For example, an Egyptian patient has some high-risk behaviors that we need to be aware of. Exercise is not part of their lifestyle; their diet is different than say an African American. African Americans may treat their illness with home remedies, instead of seeing a doctor right away. Even though all cultures are different the one time that we would treat a case less important is in emergency situations. If that person is bleeding to death we would want to do everything possible to keep that person alive. Another example would be if the person is unconscious we would start CPR on

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