In 1534, King Francis I of France sent Cartier because of his previous voyages going to the eastern coast of North America. On the voyage, Cartier was sent to find gold and other riches, spices, and a route to Asia. Cartier sailed from Saint- Malo on April 20, 1534, with two ships and about 61 men. After 20 days smoothly crossing the Atlantic Ocean, Cartier entered the Strait of Belle Isle. Then, sailing toward the continent, Cartier assumed the existence of the Cabot Strait, going around the Magdalen Islands, passing the northern peak of Prince Edward Island, and putting him at Chaleur Bay. Believing he had discovered a new route to Asia for King Francis I, he moved to the head of the bay, but then had to backtrack. A harsh storm led Cartier
Cartier was attracted to the grand eel fishery and established relationships with the St. Lawrence Iroquoians. Later, Champlain voyaged out to present day Quebec City for the large eel fishery appealed to him because he was partly incentivized to form trade relations with the Indigenous and a major fraction of them were invested in this eel
This essay will explain why Samuel de Champlain was a better leader than Jacques Cartier. “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other,” said U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain were two French explorers who were the best of the best at what they did. Both men tried to tame the wild snowy beast that we now know as Canada. Both men were greatly respected explorers and leaders: one came to Canada tasked with finding routes through Canada to Asia, and the other man came to establish the fur trade. The debate about who was the better leader is still going on until today, but this essay will try and show that the best leader was Samuel de Champlain.
On the contrary, Cartier was determined and believe in himself that he could make it through this journey without dieing and hoping to find a new path too gold and spices. Although in the end Cartier did not find a new path too gold and spices, he sailed many new parts of north america like Gaspè in which he met an Iroquois chief and made many valuable trades with this chief. Cartier also raised a 9 foot cross in the honor of his king while he was in Gaspè. These two pieces of evidence prove that Cartier was a determined explorer. In the end of his magnificent years of sailing Cartier was a very determined explorer who knew he could get anything done.
As an adult he moved to Cadiz and became a Squire, he was taught to hunt and handle weapons such as swords and Spanish guns that looked like rifles. Because of this he was recruited to fight against the Moors in Granada from 1487 to 1492. Nevertheless he was considered of a person without importance when he took his first expedition in 1493 on Christopher Columbus’s second voyage to the new world. This voyage started in the harbor of Cadiz and led to the Canary Islands, which is where the last touch of land was had before amassing the large body of water that is the Atlantic which eventually led to Espanola. This particular voyage took roughly twenty two days to cross the Atlantic. Aurelio Tio, a historian of the time from Puerto Rico describes Juan Ponce De Leon before he began his journey, “He [Juan Ponce] was a squire without a source of wealth, a veteran of the Conquest of Granada, in search of fame, honor, adventure, and fortune, like the
French explorer Jacques Cartier should be recognized in the Hall of Fame because he claimed Canada for France. Cartier was born December 1, 1534, in Saint-Malo, Brittany, into a well-respected marine family (Ages of Exploration - Jacques Cartier). As Cartier was the first mate on his father’s fishing boat, the French king soon heard about his boating skills from the bishop of Saint-Malo. King Francis l commissioned Cartier to seek out precious metals and spices in North America. Over the course of three voyages, Jacques explored the St. Lawrence Gulf and the Eastern coast of Canada.
Macdonald then became the first Prime Minister of Canada, while Cartier settled for Minister of Militia and Defense. In 1868, he went to England accompanied by William McDougall to negotiate the purchase of the several lands for Canada including Rupert’s Land, North-west Territory as well as the Hudson Bay Company. Another large impact that Cartier had for Canada was negotiating British Colombia into Confederation in 1871. Canada’s control for the western part of the country had been threatened when the U.S. had negotiated the purchase of Alaska from the Russians. Therefore, the Confederation was eager to officially include British Colombia as a part of Canada. He promised British Columbia that he would connect them to Eastern Canada by rail and thereby sealed the agreement. It was later that year when Cartier first began to show the symptoms of Bright’s Disease and one year later he decided to travel to London in the hope to find a cure. During his time there, his health did not improve and he died on May 20th,
John Cabot seeked an sponsorship from King Henry VII pROMISING To claim lands for him. Soon later King Henry VII agreed and let him set sail. During this time there was high demand in europe for asian silks and spices and the only way to get them was for paying People that had access to Asia. may 1497, John Departed From Bristol on His Ship (The Matthew) . He soon arrived at Canada Mistaking it for asia without bringing any silks back, when he sailed back to England to report his discovery, King Henry VII and everyone else thought he found a new and faster route to asia and Soon was crowned As admiral. On the other hand the precise location of his landing is uncertain. Most historians believe that Cabot landed at Cape Island, Others from the public believe that he may
Henry VII listed everything that Cabot and his sons would be expected to find in the trips that he granted Cabot. The king tells Cabot that he will expect to discover new lands that no one has ever before. These include for example, cities, regions, islands, castle, etc. When discovering any town or land Cabot and his men will be able to put banners and signs to show that, that piece of land was the possession of The King Henry VII. The finding of these new lands would be very important to Henry VII because these lands would provide goods and profit. Furthermore, Cabot, his sons, and 18 more men eventually depart from Bristol and went northward and discover the Cape lands. Cabot put up the flags to mark their territory just like Henry told
The skills and qualities required of Christopher Columbus in order for him to lead a safe and successful voyage to undiscovered and unexplored lands weighed heavily on him, as he was initially placed in a headship position in the course of the planning of the journey because he originated and entertained the idea of finding a passage to China through unmarked waters. With his assiduousness and persistence, his appeal and intelligence, he was able to convince the King and Queen of Spain to fund his trip. These issues, along with the fact that he had never been a captain on a ship,
Jacques Cartier was a famous french explorer that was born on December 31 1491. He was sent on April 20, 1534 to Newfoundland, to search for gold, diamonds and a passage to Asia. On June 24, 1534 during the trip to Newfoundland, Cartier’s crew first encountered the Mi’kmaqs which didn’t end well. The man on shore got scared and ended up running away. Around 1 month later they had another encounter with people of Stadacona, this time it ended much different from the last.
She also decided to send him out on another expedition to explore the Northwestern coast of North America seeking to find a Northwest passage. Sir Francis Drake had 5 ships and among his crew he had John Winters (who was a commander of one of the vessels, and officer Thomas Doughty.) Sir Francis Drake led his ships into the Strait of Magellan to reach the Pacific Ocean. All of sudden they were caught up in a storm reversing the course of the ships returning to England. Sir Francis Drake and his crew then sailed to the coasts of Chile and Peru raiding a unprotected Spanish merchant ship full of treasure.
Hello, I am Jacques Cartier and I am a French explore. I was born on December 31, 1491 in saint-malo, Brittany, France. I married Catherine Des Granches in May 1520 and never had children. We moved to Dieppe where I had met Giovanni da Verrazzano. In 1524 the explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano was directed to make plans to explore an area around Florida and in Terranova, the "New Land" and i accompanied him on the expedition and explored the northeast coast of North America. But here is why we had to explore. After Columbus landed in the Western Hemisphere in 1492, European rulers sent explorers across the Atlantic to the Americas to claim territory and discover riches. The Spanish, Portuguese, English, Dutch and French all wanted a piece of the
He was not able to leave for this voyage until 1541 due to a delay caused by war in France. The king tasked a man named Roberval with colonizing the New World. Along with him, he sent out Jacques Cartier, who set out on his journey a few months ahead of Roberval and his crew. ( Before Roberval arrived, Cartier had to go through another winter just as bad as before. He could not keep control of his crew , who later went on to anger the Iroquois yet gain. He founded a fort while waiting for his men to stay, thus making it the first French settlement in the New World. When he was in canada, he found many gemstones, of which he thought were diamonds and gold. Satisfied with his work, Cartier decided not to wait for Roberval and return to Saint Malo. On his way home, he encountered Roberval, who ordered Cartier to return to the settlement. Despite his orders, Cartier slipped away at night and began to sail home. When he got it back, he discovered that the gemstones he found were just worthless rocks. Without Cartier, Roberval had no more success, and abandoned the settlement and went home a few months after Cartier. King Francis 1 was extremely aggravated at their failure to even find riches, nevermind maintain a functioning colony in Canada. After back to back failures, Cartier was never sent on another voyage. ( Despite his failure to maintain it though, Cartier was still part of the first French settlement in
Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route to the Far East but
On December 13,1577 Drake started his voyage around they world. This is probably his most famous voyage. He brought 160 men with him and they headed for land in the Pacific Ocean. He hoped to find Australia. He was also looking for a western outlet of the Northwest Passage. Drake and the queen planned to rob Spanish ships and colonies along the Pacific coast of South America. The ships went down the tip of South America through the Magellan strait. They sailed up the coast of South America robbing a few more ships and colonies. Sailing the Pacific coast of north America he stopped for supplies and met some people that were really nice and treated them good so they decided to claim it for England and share it with these people( they did not specify what culture they were).