Near term, the pregnant woman starts to have many hormonal changes, which will prepare her to give birth; however, prostaglandin plays the most critical role in this process. When the pregnant woman reach around 39 to 40 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus’ growth is completed as fetus’ organs are matured enough to start working on their own. Giving birth or what it is scientifically known as parturition or labor is a combination of hormonal and physiological changes that affect maternal tissue in order to facilitate the expulsion of the fetus through the birth canal. This labor process is divided into 4 stages, and it is initiated when fetal and placental corticotropin-releasing hormone increases and down-regulate progesterone hormone. Progesterone
When an embryo becomes a fetus at eight weeks, it is approximately 3 centimeters; by the time the fetus is considered full-term, he or she may be 50 centimeters (Brisbane 60). The fetal stage, that takes place during week 9 to birth, result in a whole bunch of changes. (Brisbane 61). During the fetal stage, all parts of the body mature, and the overall of the baby size increases. Although all of the organ systems were formed during embryonic development, they continue to develop and grow during the fetal stage as well. During the third month, the reproductive system becomes developed and the sex of the baby becomes apparent (Staff). For girls, the ovarian follicles begin to form and for boys the prostate gland. Throughout months four through six, the heartbeat grows stronger and other body systems become further developed (Brisbane 63). Features such as fingernails, hair, eyelashes and toenails form. During the period from seven months until birth, the fetus continues to develop, put on weight, and prepare for life outside the womb (Brisbane 64). The lungs begin to expand and contract, preparing the muscles for breathing (Brisbane 64). The time in which the baby is born is a very critical. In some situations, a baby can be born as early as 7 months. When a baby is born too early, his ar her organs are not usually fully formed. This can result in many complications and health problems. Including, If premature pregnancy is the case, the baby would need some intensive care in hospitals. If the baby survives the stages, at the end of the nine month of pregnancy the baby will turn to a head-down position to prepare for birth. If the baby is not in the head-down position and in breech position a cesarean section may be required, which can cause many more complications. If a baby passes all these crucial factors, it is guaranteed to be born
Therefore, this will include to ensure adequate open spaces for the woman to move around with a toilet close by, low or adjustable lighting, comfortable bedding and support people for the woman to feel self-determination for her to birth her baby (pairman). To ensure the woman feels safe in the environment, the midwife will need to incorporate both physical and psychosocial/spiritual safety that cannot be compromised. Most women birth effectively in a calm environment, this includes soft music, dim lights and calming voices from all support person’s around them (pairman). There are four of the major hormonal systems play a major role during labour and birth. These involve endorphins, oxytocin, adrenaline and noradrenaline (epinephrine and norepinephrine), and prolactin (in
At one month of pregnancy the baby is still any embryo and it is made up of two layers which will soon produce into body parts and organs. In the first two weeks of pregnancy a women isn’t actually pregnant because the women’s body is preparing for ovulation as usual. You usually ovulate (release an egg) around two weeks after the first day of your period this depends on the length of your period. Then during the third week after the first day of your last period your fertilised egg moves across the fallopian tube towards the womb. The egg starts off as a single cell but it divides multiple times. By the time the egg reaches the womb it becomes the mass of 100 cells which is known as an embryo. In the fourth week of pregnancy the embryo grows and develops in the lining of the womb. The outer cells reach out and link themselves with the mothers blood supply. The inner cells form
Childbirth is one of the greatest privileges on the earth anyone could have and we, as women, should feel proud to be major contributors for it. Thus, a mother has to play a key role in aiding the healthcare workers to mitigate the health crisis associated with childbirth by performing her duties faithfully. One such associated health crisis is “Premature (preterm) birth” which occurs when the baby is born too early, before 37 weeks of gestational period (CDC, 2015). The rate of preterm birth ranges from 5% to 18% of babies born across 184 countries (WHO, 2015).
The prenatal development generally refers to those processes which start at least 40 weeks prior to the birth of the child (1). However, the period of organogenesis happens during the third through the eight weeks of development and gives rise to the the three germ layers known as ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Those three germs layer will later on form specific tissues and organs. (2). The production and development of the organs also known as organogenesis begins thereafter the formations of the three organs (3). During he development of the different phases, which include growth, morphogenesis, and differentiation, the fetus is completely
Group A experienced longer first and second labor stages than Group B as well as higher levels of pain.
In order to have a normal birth, both the mother and the child need to prepare for birth. The mother needs to acquire knowledge regarding what to expect, information about the baby and its special care and attention. Both need to prepare themselves with time, so that at the end of pregnancy the mother just has to sit unstressfully for the baby to arrive. The child start preparing his departure from the mother’s womb by the end of the seventh month. The child starts protecting his body from external viruses and microbes by accumulating antibodies from the mother. Also he starts absorbing extra iron, because he knows that the mother’s milk lacks iron needed for the production of red blood cells. The child rotates his body, locating his head towards the birth canal. And the baby starts accumulating fat under his skin, preparing his body for life in the external
Although the process of giving birth and recovery is different for every woman, the human body must withstand many physical and psychological changes after having a baby. The federal
According to, after conception, a fetus begins to develop rather quickly. In the fifth week of pregnancy, a baby’s heart begins to beat. A baby also develops three distinct layers, ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. These three layers will eventually form the body systems that are necessary
Important stages of pregnancy: Pregnancy is counted from the first day of the mother 's last period. Important development immediately takes place after fertilisation of egg and sperm cells. It divides into many cells in the first week, which forms a zygote made out of 100 to 150 cells that are already differentiating. In the second week, the zygote is then changed to an embryo and it sticks to the uterine wall. This process takes up to nine months to form and develop a baby.
If I could teach a pregnant mother it would be 1st trimester of pregnancy. I think that the 1st trimester is very important. Just knowing something grown inside of you and it’s also become a part of you. I would start talking about how the hormonal changes will affect almost every organ in your body. The swollen on her body may protrude the frequent urination, weight gain or loss and maybe an experience of discomfort. I would go to detail about how 4 weeks your baby development nervous system and heart begin to form. At 8 weeks the baby embryo to develop into a fetus. All major organs have begun to form, the sex organs begin to form and the nerves and muscles begin to work together. I would like to tell her everything she would want to know about her baby. The considering stage of a
The fetal stage is the stage in which is marked by rapid growth and preparation
Pregnancy is normally the best and the happiest stage of any woman, but it can also be uncertain because anything can go wrong if you do not know exactly what to do. In order to understand the reasons of why Preterm Birth occurs, it is important to know what it is and how risky it can be. Preterm Birth is also known as Premature labor which mainly begins after “20 weeks but before 37 completed week’s gestations. Approximately 12.9 million babies worldwide are born too early every year representing an incidence of PTB of 9.6%” (Berghella, pp. 2, 8). Baby Center Medical Advisory Board says that about 12 percent of babies
Birth of a child can be such a happy time, especially when the little one is very healthy. We all have seen the movies when a new child is born, some of us are lucky to see it first hand. Some of us do get goose bumps, me being one of them. It is just so exciting to see that little life come out of what has been in that big belly for nine months. We sometimes refer to the birth of a child as labor. If only it was as easy as the name sounds. However, it is not. There are three main stages in birth. The first stage is the longest stage that can last 12 to 14 hours with the first birth, and later births are shorter. Dilation and effacement of the cervix take place here. That is when the uterine contractions gradually become more frequent and
The prenatal period takes place in the first two weeks of conception. Heredity and environmental influences (which are often negative) are also developed during this stage. At this stage the organism is more susceptible to these influences, than during any other period. Infancy is the next stage, various changes start to occur and attachments start to form. Coordination, sensory and motor skills start to develop, as well as the expression of