
What Structural Elements Of The Mind

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Andrea Gorodezky

Part 1
Module 1
I. Early psychologists
a. Socrates, Plato, Rene Descartes believed that knowledge is something you are born with and that mind is not connected with body
b. Aristotle, Francis Bacon, and John Locke believed in empiricism- knowledge comes from experience
II. After first psychological lab was started in 1679 by Wundt in University of Leipzig, psychology was organized into:
a. Structuralism
i. Introduced by Edward Bradford Titchener ii. Discover structural elements of the mind
1. Make people reflect and express how something made them think/feel
b. Functionalism
i. Explores function of behavioral and mental processes and their affects on a person ii. Introduced by William James
1. Tutored Mary Whiton Calkins …show more content…

Humanistic psychologists
a. Led by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
b. Focused on how the environment can encourage or limit our growth potential
2. cognitive revolution- explored how we observe, process, and remember info
a. cognitive neuroscience- this study allowed us to understand the brain and ourselves better iv. Today psych is defined as the scientifical study of both mental and behavioral processes
Module 2

I. Nature-nurture issue
a. Debate over what makes up our psychological characteristivs and behaviors: our genes or our experiences
i. Aristotle, Locke believed it came from experience ii. Plato, Descartes believed it is innate iii. Darwin made up the theory of natural selection- most favorable traits in an environment are selected for
II. There are many systems within us that show levels of analysis
a. Different ways to examine a situation
b. Come together as biopsychosocial approach
i. Considers the affects of different factors that can be biological, psychological, and part of our social ii. Different views when answering a question that complement each other
1. Behavioral- what outside factor can cause a certain behavior
2. Biological- how the brain causes emotions to be revealed and how genes and experiences affect our individuality
3. Cognitive- how we process a situation affects our thoughts and emotions
4. Evolutionary- how emotions allowed for persistance of certain genes
5. Psychodynamic- how unconscious thoughts can trigger a certain

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