What is Obamacare? “Obamacare is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. The name was created by critics of President Obama's efforts to reform health care, but it stuck. Even President Obama likes it, because he says it shows he does care.” (Amadeo, N.d) In short, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a policy in which you are required to obtain medical insurance if you do not already have any, or be subject to a tax. The most easily argued aspect of the bill is constitutionality and this is where the question of government overstepping biblical principles comes into play. “By passing Obamacare, the small minority of elected men known as Congress put the state and themselves over and beyond their sole duty as a ministers of justice, and put themselves in a sovereign position over the lives of Americans.” (Necerato, 2013).
As stated previously, the main opposition behind Obamacare is whether or not it is constitutional. The basis for its disapproval is in regards to how Obama and the federal government misuse the commerce clause, Article 1 Section 8 of the constitution, as a basis for constitutionality. According to Joe Wolverton, the commerce clause acts as a grant of authority to Congress to “regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states.” Using the commerce clause to allow for the passage of the act shows that “legislative nor executive branch of the national government is bothered by constitutional restrictions on their
ObamaCare ot The Affordable Care Act is a US human services change law that extends and enhances access to care and checks spending through directions and duties. The Affordable Care Act's principle center is on furnishing more Americans with access to moderate medical coverage, enhancing the nature of human services and medical coverage, managing the medical coverage industry, and diminishing social insurance spending in the US.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is the first major healthcare act passed since the 1967's Medicare and Medicade act. Obamacare is the name given by critics, because of the power that is given to the federal government to regulate healthcare prices. The reason given that this act was passed is that it willl save billions of federal dollars each year. Many people against the act believe it should be repealed ,and the reason for this is, because it gives away healthcare to people who don't pay for it. The act also takes away from seniors who really need the medi,cade benefits, and also makes doctors increase how much people pay them. The Patient Protection and Affordable
Obamacare refers to an Affordable Care Act (Archambault, 2014) in the U.S healthcare reform law which expands and improves the access to care services and reduces spending via taxes and legislations. The main focus of Obamacare is to provide more Americans with affordable access to health insurance and improve on the health care quality and health insurance in the nation. It regulates the health insurance industry hence reducing healthcare spending in the United Sates. The law features various provisions of the healthcare crisis aspect in the country. The affordable Care Act does many important things such as offering U.S citizens with rights, new benefits, and protectionism in relation to their healthcare. It sets up a health insurance marketplace where Americans can buy federally subsidized and regulated health insurance. Obamacare expands on Medicaid to U.S adults in many of its states. It also improves Medicare for the senior population and those with long-term disabilities. Every year during the annual open enrollment period, U.S citizens can access health insurance coverage using the health insurance market place.
The Affordable Care Act (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), commonly called "Obamacare," is a federal statute that was signed into law in March of 2010 (PDF, n.d.; Van de Water, 2011). It basically requires the vast majority of people in the United States who do not have insurance coverage to acquire that coverage or face penalties. People who already have insurance through their employers or on their own will not be asked to change companies. Additionally, anyone who is on federally-funded insurance such as Medicaid or Medicare and still qualifies for those programs will not be removed from their insurance. They will still be covered and protected. In order to find out more about the Act and really understand its main points and principles, however, it is very important to be aware of how it became a law and any changes that have taken place to it from its inception all the way through where it is today. Only then can a person have a clear understanding of the Act and form an opinion as to the value it may (or may not) provide to the American public. There is still much speculation and a great deal of misunderstanding about the Act and what it involves.
ObamaCare also creates a high-risk pool for people with conditions that are pre-existing. Essentially, this is a way of getting rid of those conditions. However, people who have these pre-existing conditions and health issues can still attain health insurance. There is an exception though; the people with these health issues and conditions receive their insurance at different rates as opposed to the people without pre-existing conditions. Also, people under the age of 19 are no longer considered to have pre-existing conditions. ObamaCare doesn’t allow insurance companies to discriminate against people due to disabilities. It also doesn’t allow insurance companies to deny insurance to people who have been a victim to domestic abuse in their past. ObamaCare also forbids insurance companies from denying their customers coverage because they have reached a lifetime-limit. Essentially, if a person is paying for health insurance, the
Health care has been a controversial topic of discussion for all Americans since it was put in effect many years ago. Currently the biggest debate of Healthcare up to date is Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is a Health care Reform that is a governmental attempt to make basic health care easily obtainable. However, there are no benefits without cost in situations like this, and upon that are different viewpoints on the subject thus creating political debates discussing if it is ethically correct. The overall goal that Obamacare hopes to accomplish is that through specific changes through insurance companies, industry standards, and patient guarantees a healthier America will be produced. Obamacare has its ups and downs for both the generally agreeing democratic viewpoints and the opposing republican side. Both viewpoints have their own beliefs about how Health care works and Obamacare is somewhat in between on this. Most arguments on Obamacare deal with Medicaid being constitutional and if Obamacare truly reduces the total cost of health care for individuals and in the government.
Signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the Affordable Care Act and more commonly known as Obamacare, is arguably the most significant piece of social legislation the United States has passed since Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960’s. The law works to reduce health care spending in the U.S., provide more Americans with access to health insurance, give higher quality care, and make healthcare more affordable. The bill has been known for its extensive length (the condensed version of the law itself is 906 pages long and there thousands of pages of regulations) and with so many details packed in, it’s easy for Americans to get confused. Many argue that Obamacare has done more harm than good for our country; others call it a huge success. Whatever your opinion may be, it’s important to take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of the act and the many changes that have been made since it was first signed into law.
"The Affordable Care act (Obamacare) main focus is on providing more Americans with access to affordable health insurance, improving the quality of health care and health insurance, regulating the health insurance industry, and reducing health care spending in the US." Yet five years since the implementation of Obamacare, 30.1 million people lost there private insurance,because it did not meet the 10 essential health benefits. Another 3-5 million people will lose there company sponsored health insurance, since companies find it cheaper to pay the penalty than buying there employees health insurance. Also medications will become more expensive due too new taxes that will increase prescriptions for individuals. Americans will find it cheaper to pay the penalty for not having health insurance, since it 's much cheaper and twice as less as the hassle. Obama care lacks to tell what the implications are on the health care system, how are doctors affected and what it means for average Americans living to ends meat.With Obama care addressing how it 's going to make health care affordable it does not address long-term care with an estimated 70% of Americans turning 65 will at some point,depend on long term care in nursing or assisted living facility. A elderly American can spend $42,000 to $84,000 per year and if you are poor enough, you may qualify for Medicaid but those who simply can 't afford the care they need. The Affordable care act originally had a community living
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is a healthcare program created by president Obama’s administration. The goal of the Affordable Care Act is to make sure every United States citizen has health insurance. The Affordable Care Act provides “affordable” health insurance plans to citizens that do not have any and make about $15,000 a year. While the idea of providing health insurance to the millions of American’s that cannot afford it is great, everything comes at a cost. According to Emily Miller, Obamacare is causing people’s health insurance premiums to rise by around 1 to 9 percent (Miller 15-15). Not only are insurance premiums rising, but ever since the Supreme Court declared the Affordable Care Act constitutional approximately 20 tax hikes have been approved (Battersby). All the aforementioned reasons are helping pay for Obamacare. Although providing health insurance for people that cannot afford it is important, the Affordable Care Act should be revoked because it will hurt the economy.
On March 23, 2010, the Affordable care act also known as “obamacare” was signed into law by president Barrack Obama. Only gay marriage legislations and gun laws have elicited more public response than the affordable care act. Both opponents and proponents have presented constructive arguments of the perceived failures and strengths of the act. Owing to the intense debate surrounding the act, very few people understand that the act only came into full implementation in 2014. The raving reviews and critiques of the debate have bordered on myths and perception influenced by political alignments. Pertinent questions have been asked about the affordable care act. There have been conflicting accounts on the role of the affordable care act in regulating the health insurance industry. Concerns have been raised on why patients are paying higher out of pocket expenses yet the affordable care act was meant to introduce checks and balance in healthcare provisions. This paper therefore seeks to deeply explore the affordable care act by researching on these questions. The paper will also demonstrate perspectives on the good and the bad that comes from the affordable care act. Lastly, the paper will analyze healthcare situation in New York City with statistics showing that healthcare services are becoming more expensive in the city even after the full implementation of the affordable care act.
“ObamaCare contains many benefits, especially for low and middle income families and business” (“ObamaCare: Pros and Cons”). Many people have been having concerns on the cost of the insurance because it has raised in cost. There is a new law out there that President Barack Obama passed called ObamaCare. ObamaCare is also known to be The Affordable Care Act (ACA). The goal of this act was to make sure every American had health insurance by January 2014. ObamaCare went from being something good, to a controversial issue towards Americans. This topic is very debatable in positive and negative ways, it just all depends on how it effects someone. One of ObamaCare’s requirements were to have companies provide health insurance to people
Hispanics are one of the largest groups in the United States that are uninsured. Additionally, the Hispanic population is one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in the U.S. The Hispanic population is estimated to increase over the next 25 years to 32 million out of a total of 72 million of the US population (Brice, 2000). The U.S. health care system is facing one of its most notable societal issues in years in reference to its ability to provide access to medical care for the millions of Americans who do not have health care, for whatever cause. The Affordable Care Act was signed into law on March 23, 2010, for the purpose of reducing inequalities in insurance coverage and to provide access to health care for all. A vital goal of the
Obamacare may be one of the most debatable topics at the moment ever since 2010. For those who are still confused on what Obamacare is and how it works is understandable and common amongst Americans. Obamacare is also known as the Affordable Care Act. It can be summed up as a law that ensures every American has access to health insurance that is affordable and within their budget. This is done by offering people discounts on government-sponsored health insurance plans, and by expanding the Medicaid assistance program so they include more people who can’t afford health care. In order for someone to qualify for Obamacare they must have an insurance plan that covers at least ten essential services that pertain
The Health and Human Service Secretary created Obamacare implementation, completely without Congressional oversight. “Acting without authorization, the President has altered Obamacare, choosing not to enforce sections harmful to his friends and donors in government, unions and big business.”
Obamacare, officially called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Plan, is reforming the healthcare industry and the American health care system: Even though this reform was developed to give America and more rights and protections within the healthcare system, many are saying it is taking their rights within the healthcare system away. The healthcare reform is said it will help tens of millions who are uninsured but many Americans are seeing Obamacare as a threat related to having the government force them into purchasing insurance or paying a penalty for not having insurance. “The law requires all Americans have health insurance by 2014 (or pay a per month fee for each month without minimum essential coverage). Although this shared responsibility provision is unofficially called an individual mandate, it was ruled to be in fact a tax and not a mandate by the June 28, 2012 Supreme court ruling.” (http://obamacarefacts.com/obamahealthcare-summary/, 2015). A total of 54% of Americans in a recent poll say they are against