
What's Eating Gilbert Grape Essay

Decent Essays

The film What’s Eating Gilbert Grape features a morbidly obese woman, a dilapidated house, an autistic teenager and the boy everyone counts on to take care of them: Gilbert Grape. Caretaker. Provider. Father. Trapped by obligations and expectations beyond his years, Gilbert is not only trapped by circumstance; he is also trapped emotionally. The town he lives in is bleak and emotionless. Citizens are like puppets that only smile to convince the audience that they are alive. It’s all too true that “Endora is like dancing without music.”
However, Gilbert’s whole life is flipped upside down when a petite traveler catches his eye and opens his heart. Becky.
This boy’s life is surrounded by people that expect all too much from him and harshly judge him when he doesn’t meet their expectations.
Becky is quite the opposite. She flutters in, bringing all the hope and happiness back into Gilbert’s not-so-peppy life, which changes him forever.

Gilbert but a tame tiger, and Endora his cage. Endora itself holds him in because he is much like glue for many in the town. For example, Betty Carver and her obsession with trying to get her …show more content…

As I mentioned before, Arnie is mentally disabled which serves only to make him difficult to handle while taking care of him. Gilbert’s time is split in half and then in half again because of his responsibility to care for Arnie. Although taking care of him shouldn’t be Gilbert’s job, his Mother is too plump to even walk around, let alone run after Arnie all day. In fact, because of his Mother’s obesity Gilbert has the weight of her as well, along with the rest of the family that has to creep around bad memories and words to make sure not to upset their unstable parent. Namely, the death of Gilbert’s Father, Albert Grape, the man that got out. Also the reason that his family doesn’t move away from the deathtrap they call a

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