What’s Important to Me? Activity
Directions: Complete the questions below utilizing the “Full IEP” document under this activity title in Course Site.
My Area: _General Education Teacher_____________________
1. Identify any broad areas of importance you notice in the Special Considerations section.
The broad areas of importance considered in Special considerations are as follow: Category of disability (hard of hearing), related services (assisted technology), and ESL programs (Limited English Proficiency).
2. What other additional information did you find important in the present educational levels (identify at least 4 elements)?
“School achievement”
“Functional performance”
3. How would you consider the students’
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Consider the student’s goals and accommodations and briefly describe (at least 1 paragraph) their connection to your area (i.e. what do you feel is important to you and why).
Having determined the right accommodation and set the goals to help students outdo his needs, it is still necessary to employ some strategies and techniques that can at least minimize the outcomes. First, if students continue to have some difficulties with reading fluency, an oral reading could provide an opportunity to stimulate their self-confidence and enable them to self-correct when words are mispronounced. Moreover, reading aloud can give an insight to the teacher of which aspects of students’ literacy need some improvements. Second, it is also important to supply students with continuous numeracy materials as a way to decrease their issues with equations. For instance, consulting a math teacher if a strategy employed still does not have the positive effects on students math abilities could be one of several ways to help students succeed. Lastly, peer or group work presents a chance for students demonstrate their social skills and group leading abilities. Being involved in a group, students share and value other ideas and feelings which may strengthen social interaction and
I have learned a great many things from playing soccer. It has changed my entire outlook on and attitude toward life. Before my freshman year at Cool high school, I was shy, had low self-esteem and turned away from seemingly impossible challenges. Soccer has altered all of these qualities. On the first day of freshman practice, the team warmed up with a game of soccer. The players were split up and the game began. However, during the game, I noticed that I didn't' t run as hard as I could, nor did I try to evade my defender and get open. The fact of the matter is that I really did not want to receive the ball. I didn't' t want to be the one at fault if the play didn't' t succeed. I did not want the responsibility of helping the team
The Individualized Education Program (IEP) assignment for EDUU 601 included two goals with objectives and an IEP for the student. An IEP is developed for an individual student who has been determined to be eligible for special education. The persons involved with the development of an IEP include the parents, teacher, psychologist, service providers if needed, the student if able, and any other individuals from the school or district that are appropriate. The services provided could include, behavioral services, speech therapy, assisted technology, adapted physical education, or occupational therapy.
For each of the categories listed below (2a–d), describe what you know about the focus learner’s strengths and challenges as related to the lesson objective(s) of the learning segment. Cite evidence of what the learner knows, what s/he can do, and what s/he is learning to do in relation to the learning goal and any relevant planned supports.
Doing small group activity also help them to understand what they read. Teacher asks students have a discussion about the story in a small group. When they have an interactive discussion with their peers while sharing information about the
What about the student as an individual (experiences, skills, interests) provides insight into his or her work samples and your analysis of them? In a class where most students either fall into the categories of being high achieving or low scoring, Kaylee is one of few students in the middle. Next year, students have the choice of going on the college track in language arts and I would like Kaylee to feel comfortable in her abilities to choose the college track. She feels that she is not good at reading and therefore, she needs to stay in regular language arts next year.
For this assignment, I completed a survey to assess my school’s literacy program by using a survey that was adapted from by Patty, Maschoff, & Ransom (1996) to analyze the instructional program and the school’s infrastructure. To be able to answer my survey, I needed to go colleagues of mine in the English Department and to my administration to help with these questions. Being a math teacher, we hardly ever discuss the literacy and the students’ acquisition of it in our department meeting during staff development days. Since I am not truly current with literacy acquisition in education, I am hoping to understand more from this process so I can help all my students. I want them to be able to read texts related to math and find
As a young student growing up, literacy and numeracy were never my strongest areas of learning. The memories of my teachers asking us to divide into reading groups for reading comprehension, or pull out our maths homework were always daunting for me and I remember a time where my teacher made me stay during lunch to complete my maths class work. However as a young student I have always enjoyed spelling and although my literacy and numeracy skills weren’t the greatest I felt more confident that my language skills were a lot better than both my literacy and numeracy skills. Looking back as I progressed through my schooling career, my literacy skills begun to improve, however numeracy would still remain the subject I disliked the most. In comparison to my peers, who were all just about my age, I felt as if I was under achieving in those specific areas of learning, and despite the countless attempts and efforts by my peers, teachers, tutors and parents who all encouraged me, I felt as if I could not reach that point. In relation to week 2 lecture readings (Catherine , Snow (2002) Reading for understanding: toward a research and development program in reading comprehension. CA/USA: RAND) the students attentiveness towards reading comprehension, is influenced and affected by many factors including
I think of myself as a caring, loving, compassionate, and empathetic person with a very strong work ethic.
Values are those things that are important, meaningful and valued by an individual, a group of people, or an organization. Whether we are aware of them or not, every individual has his or her core set of values, which consist of many different kinds of values. Each individual’s value system is different from one another because individual’s values are built up through one’s life experience, environment, and family background. Values are important to us because they reflect our personal moral standards, shape our behavior, and guide us through long life journeys. Since we live in a highly connected society, each person’s value system does not only affect one’s own life, but also affects many other people and the
Middle school math teachers, as well as all grade-level math teachers, are constantly searching for ways to help their students achieve mathematic success. Students come to classrooms from all backgrounds and each student has a completely different learning style - differentiated instruction is crucial in every classroom. Teachers are continuously implementing various teaching methods, along with traditional classroom instruction, to help their math students succeed. Peer tutoring, small group discussion, and one-on-one tutoring during lunch hours and before and after school times, are all methods that have all been utilized. These methods have been proven to be successful in assisting students in understanding the concepts and, consequently, helping raise unit test scores.
As I have grown as an adult and moved further towards success in my life, I have always maintained a guided structure to achieve goals and tasks that challenge me. I call these my “Core Values”. This is a strict regimen or a belief system that I have instilled into my everyday practice to complete any task that presents itself. Although not perfected, I have found this method to be quite successful. My work ethic, responsibility, and my drive to further my education and knowledge have never failed me. Life can seem tough and demanding on a very consistent basis, but I believe that I have cultivated a plan to accommodate and withstand any trial
What is a family? To me the word family has so many meanings, but to me it’s a group of people who will always be in your life no matter what. Having a family means that you have people that will never leave you hanging. A family is a pack, a bond. My definition comes from seeing how my family operates and no matter what, they always show love to one another. My family is Guyanese, meaning they came from the Caribbean island Guyana. Our culture revolves music, food and being very social. This involves a lot of parties and family gatherings, allowing us to always see each other and keep in touch. But, how did my family get here? What was their life journey? And how did that affect me?
Whether or not a person admits it, everyone on the planet has the desire to be remembered. They want to leave an impression on the people around them and leave those people with fond memories of who they were and what they did. For me, the idea of making an impact on someone’s life was my ultimate goal. However, it took me a while to discover how exactly that goal would be achieved.
Describe the single MOST important event or non-academic activity in your life and explain why it’s significant. (250)
The most important event in my life, didn’t even happen to myself, but happened to my older sister, Becky. The reason I am writing about her is because the things that have happened to her and the things she has done in the past have affected me tremendously as well as my family. Her life used to be filled with nothing else but drugs, stealing, and lying. My family has never been the same since then.