
What's Important To Me Essay

Decent Essays
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What’s Important to Me? Activity
Directions: Complete the questions below utilizing the “Full IEP” document under this activity title in Course Site.

My Area: _General Education Teacher_____________________

1. Identify any broad areas of importance you notice in the Special Considerations section.
The broad areas of importance considered in Special considerations are as follow: Category of disability (hard of hearing), related services (assisted technology), and ESL programs (Limited English Proficiency).

2. What other additional information did you find important in the present educational levels (identify at least 4 elements)?
School achievement”
“Functional performance”
3. How would you consider the students’ …show more content…

Consider the student’s goals and accommodations and briefly describe (at least 1 paragraph) their connection to your area (i.e. what do you feel is important to you and why).
Having determined the right accommodation and set the goals to help students outdo his needs, it is still necessary to employ some strategies and techniques that can at least minimize the outcomes. First, if students continue to have some difficulties with reading fluency, an oral reading could provide an opportunity to stimulate their self-confidence and enable them to self-correct when words are mispronounced. Moreover, reading aloud can give an insight to the teacher of which aspects of students’ literacy need some improvements. Second, it is also important to supply students with continuous numeracy materials as a way to decrease their issues with equations. For instance, consulting a math teacher if a strategy employed still does not have the positive effects on students math abilities could be one of several ways to help students succeed. Lastly, peer or group work presents a chance for students demonstrate their social skills and group leading abilities. Being involved in a group, students share and value other ideas and feelings which may strengthen social interaction and

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