On Friday, November 17, 2017 CRU received a call from Richard Long stating that he had called the local office today, and the person he spoke with was rude, and disrespectful to him. CRU stated that Mr. Long identified the person as a female name Tyler. CRU stated that Mr. Long said the female told him to quit calling there making false reports, that it was being investigated.
Please describe in detail your conversations with Mr. Richard Long on 11/17/17 regarding the CL report in your description, please address the following questions?
1. Regarding your telephone call to Mr. Long on 11/17/17 did you tell him to quit calling in making false reports?
2. Mr. Long stated that you were rude and disrespectful. Were you rude and disrespectful to Mr. Long?
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In your response to the caller, did you take into consideration administrative policy 15.3 which states, “The work of this department will be conducted with respect, concern, and courtesy”? Furthermore, were you aware of subparagraph 1 & 3 of policy 15.3 which states, “Employees shall approach their duties with a positive attitude and constructively support open communication, dedication and compassion”. “Confrontational behavior, harassment, and discrimination are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Displaying such behavior may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.”?
Pease do not discuss this incident report with anyone outside of management.
Please email your response to APCS Marqus Thurmond by COB Thursday, November 30,
Thank you for the detailed memo of 11/28/2016. I appreciate the opinions, and have weighed them against the report.
While on scene, I learned Jessica had an active warrant for her arrest, and Inv. Schlag contacted me knowing Hubbard Co. Social Services had a health & welfare concern for the children of Jessica & Eli. I then received a call from Child Protection Worker Beth Grande who informed me she wanted the children placed on a hold. Inv. Schlag stated he would respond to the scene and assist Hubbard Co. Social Services. I forwarded the documents I started to Inv. Schlag & briefed Sgt. Stacey when he arrived on scene.
When Maalick originally went to Marta Ford he spoke to her about the questions regarding his religion his co-coworkers had been asking. Rather than disregard his concerns she should have been proactive in addressing the issue rather than waiting until it got worse. She could have held a meeting with everyone in the facility and reminded them of the company policy regarding harassment. According to Gomez-Mejia, L., Balkin, D., & Cardy, R. (2012) companies that are proactive toward issues are better prepared to deal with future problems. Had she done this the issue likely would not have escalated to the point that it became a hostile work environment for Maalick. To prevent the situation from happening in the future Marta Ford could provide additional training to all employees and require annual retraining so that all employees and management are aware of company policies.
When Mr. Richard was unload his bus on 8/16/17 with his stop signs out at PVM to go get another load of students another bus drove around him, while he was unloading. After he left all the buses started unload their students and the same bus driver started back up her bus with students all around her bus. That evening I asked Mr. Geraci what can we do about the safety issues with that bus driver and he told me in front of 4 other bus driver. That she is going to have a hit a student before anything will get done. I told Mr. Geraci that was wrong and he told me to call Mr. Yates. So, I call Mr. Yates. Me and him had words and he got very ugly with me so I told
We push to have safe, friendly, and clean working spaces in order for internal duties to be fulfilled and communications to be delivered effectively. It is prohibited to abuse or take advantage of a working space, company computer, or other appliances and facilities for personal gain or recreation. Interactions with fellow team members and management staff are to be professional in nature and not threatening in any way or that prevents Company work from being completed. A positive working environment enables productivity and innovation. Each employee must adhere to the Employee Handbook for added clarity on language and conduct. While in the workplace, negative and threatening language and behavior is not tolerable and is to be reported to the appropriate supervisor(s) and to Human Resources.
Mary Ann HR director was informed On Jan. 2015 Jan Volk give me a letter on Harassment and retaliation on 2-4-2015 the letter was between my supply order Paul Fetherlin delivered. I came to the pole building upset, crying I talked to Scott Coffman. Even though Coach Lindsay Freitag said he could identify the Maintenance Employee in the room, the supplies were delivered Mary Ann Koleny said it didn't warrant harassment. This was the same day Curt had Latrobe School District employment application was in his work locker.
On August 20th, 2016 at 0245 hours Cpl. Smith (#9338) and I (Ofc. Wilson #9346) responded to a call at 3617 Leslie Avenue
In regard to the “dear colleague” guidelines, the VP, in light of the letter from the resident assistant, should take immediate actions to prevent further harassment. Whether the institution should have reasonably known that student harassment was occurring is questionable.
For example: A few months ago Shift Supervisor Anderson made CA Breedlove and I Utility 1 and Utility 2 in program’s building; In front of the entire shift she stated that she did not want neither I or CA Breedlove being around each other and she did not what to see us talking at all. This to me came off as rude and disrespectful in an attempt to make staff look stupid. I felt very disrespected by SS Anderson. The entire night I avoided CA Breedlove because I was in fear of getting discipline.
The majority of my family comes from Africa and has been very divided since I was born so that probably really affects the way I am now. Such as how parents put a very strong emphasizes on education, religion, and other more traditional things which can be both good and bad. For example, sometimes when I tell my mother my feeling towards something she finds it disrespectful that I would even bring it up if it goes against her views. Probably due to her belief that you must respect your elders, and to her me having an opinoun contrary to her is disrespectful. I thinik thats the reason why I have problems being vulnerable emotionally with others, which is what i’ve been trying to work on changing. I’ve for the most part had the same friends
Agencies and departments should take appropriate and timely steps, including discipline, if needed, to address conduct inconsistent with “Antidiscrimination Laws” and “Whistleblower Protection Laws.” According to the United States Office of Personnel Management, Title II of the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act) requires a comprehensive study of best practices in the Executive branch for taking disciplinary action for conduct inconsistent with Antidiscrimination and Whistleblower Protection Laws. In addition to that the Act also requires the issuance of advisory guidelines agencies may follow when taking disciplinary action for such conduct.
I work to serve students first and not staff. Another issue is that I’m not passive and I will not allow staff disrespect me and I hold staff accountable to follow through on their job duty. I constantly hear from upper management “I would have handled it this way”, or “the proper way to handle that is”. Because of my stance that has me labeled as an angry individual. I believe that comment is out of line and I am offended by it. I can admit I have shown open frustration but I have never been angry. Again I took it upon myself to bring this program to where it is. I did this by unselfishly working more hours than mentioned on my contract. I believe I have put this program in a good place for years to
I told the driver he would never get any response from that side, pursuing it in the manner that he was. He told me that he didn't ask me, and that I needed to shut my damn mouth. I responded with " be careful driver,
My reason of being at bonds is because of my amount of referrals. I have been disrespectful to teachers. I had about sixty referrals this whole year. This is crazy, they should have me one more chance. It's ok
Most of us in the area I am at are at the same level of responsibility. There are some that are “in charge” that have less time in that position than others of us, but they tend to defer to us. For instance, our lead has been in that position for 8 years, while I worked for another company. But they used to work for me so now that I am back, they generally treat me as, if not their boss, as an equal. As I do not have a dominate personality, there is no issues. There was an issue yesterday that might serve as an example though. As I stated, there are a lot of us and a lot of local Data Collectors. Yesterday, the Data Management cell had to go to a training course and while we were gone, the Data Collectors sat in our areas. When we got back, a lot of our stuff had been moved out of the way and our lan connections had been disconnected, as well as our monitors. One of my fellow leads through a fit. They stood up and speaking loudly, told everyone in the room that the DC’s should not be touching our equipment. Their posture was quite aggressive, leaning forward on the desk, making eye contact with many. The reactions from the Data Collectors was also interesting, from some who looked guilty, to others who looked quite