
When You Decide To Lose Weight, Where Do You Begin? I Mean

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When you decide to lose weight, where do you begin? I mean you have to be in the right frame of mind, there has to be some sort of personal motivation, and most of all you have to believe you can actually do this. Try to forget about the failed past attempts, the medications, the diet doctors, the shakes, and bars, and meal replacements, and blah, blah, blah. Perhaps this time you promise it will be different. You 'll be more determined because you 've got something to prove, or seeking revenge on an ex, or you 're getting married. All appropriate explanations, but they are temporary and it 's about something much greater. What happens after the points have been made and the monumental events pass by? Take the time to prepare mentally for …show more content…

Some may not understand, and be very verbal about it, but if you recognize that you have truly been a positive individual then you must realize the problem doesn 't lie within you and continue moving forward. Let 's Begin... Caring and Loving Oneself − If you can 't love and appreciate yourself in the present it will not happen after the weight loss. Sure there may be feelings of disappointment and discouragement, but this will be a different experience. This may be a last attempt for many. Take the time to be beautiful, show off, command attention, and exude confidence, because it will only improve as pounds shed. Commitment and Openness to Change − There is no one right way to weight loss; what works for one may not work for another. Therefore, there is a need of willingness to adapt and understand. There may be plateaus along the way, but preparation can accommodate for these moments. This may involve consultation, varying eating plans, altering exercise regimes, and definitely includes researching and educating yourself. Be Honest − Try to be realistic not only in coming up with an ultimate goal, but in the general reason(s) for wanting to lose weight. Whether it is purely superficial, conceived by retribution, or for a healthier and longer life, be sincere and truthful. If it motivates, use it. These inspirations will change or be revised along your path. As far as a particular weight loss goal is concerned, be sure to set smaller objectives that

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