
When the Senses Fail You Essay

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Colorblindness is usually a genetic condition you are born with. You can contract colorblindness by Alztimers, Glaucoma, Leukemia, liver diseases, chronic alcoholism, macular degeneration, Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, retnis pimentosa, and sickle cell anemia. In the eye there are cells called cones. All colorblind people are missing cones, some people only missing a certain color cones, the ones termed red blue or green to make almost any color. Colorblindness affects only about thirteen percent of all Caucasians. There are three kind of colorblind, there is red/green colorblind, these people can’t see any shade of red or green colors. There is also blue colorblind, these people cannot distinguish …show more content…

Neurons with taste are the only stem cells that are replenished as they die. When the receptors go back to your brain, it then tells said person what he or she tastes. Even though people think that there are different taste buds for every sense of taste, every taste bud can taste all kinds of favors, not just the tasting region they are in. people regenerate new taste buds every three to ten days. Physiologists believe that without taste and smell, any patient can easily fall into a deep spiral of depression. By having a Zink deficiency, brain damage, having no sense of smell and smoking can permanently ruin sense of taste. With sinus problems and head colds can also drain the sense of taste until you get better or recover. Most of the time, sinus disease and taste diseases go hand in hand with Each other, that sometimes the doctors cannot diagnose wither it is one or the other. Since it takes smell to taste there is often something wrong with both your nose and your mouth. In conclusion, the sense of smell end the sense of sight tends to affect a person’s taste. If a person were to see a ripe apple and a rotten apple they would choose the ripe one because of the way that it looks and the way that it smells. The mouth has many parts, the soft palate, hard palate, tongue, and sinuses. The mouth merges with the nose; they often affect each other when one becomes infected. The science of medicine sometimes cannot tell the difference

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