
“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”. Victor Hugo

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“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Victor Hugo once said, “music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” Music can greatly influence a person, from the way they speak to the way they act. However, not all music can be considered a good influence and many adolescents waste away their youth by thinking, doing, and pursuing things that are more mature. Things such as seeking sexual attention, doing drugs, drinking, or hanging out in rough areas. These things are usually done because the child was hurt in some way, whether it be emotionally, mentally, or physically. In “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been”, Joyce Carol Oates creates a fictional character, Connie, who illustrates a …show more content…

However, according to The Columbian Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, “rock 'n ' roll was for and about adolescents. Its lyrics articulated teenage problems: school, cars, summer vacation, parents, and, most important, young love” (para. 5). To put the situation into perspective, today’s hip hop is similar to sixties rock in that they are both about sex, drugs and the occasional social message. In a study coordinated by Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, about 70% of students listen to some sort of hip hop music. So, in the sixties, it was not uncommon for young people to listen to rock music and to not think much of it. In the story, Connie thinks to herself that music is “something to depend on” (WAYGWHYB 2) which is something one would say if they felt lonely or had been hurt in the past. By saying that she shows just how distant she has become from the people around her. Another thing that plays a big role in Connie’s character are her differing personalities. The Connie that is reserved for when she is at home is sarcastic, distant, and rebellious against her family. The Connie that is reserved for outside is enticing, alluring and sexually appealing to the opposite sex. According to Palo Alto Medical Foundation, a study done by the RAND Corporation shows that “teens are twice as likely to have sex or engage in sexual acts if they see similar sexual behavior in the media” (para. 15). In the sixties, rock and

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