The 2016 film “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” focuses on a journalist, named Kim Baker (portrayed by Tina Fey), who travels to Afghanistan to become a war correspondent in the midst of the 2002 conflict. This film tries to draw attention to the grave and serious nature of conflict in an attempt to make the events more “human”, “understandable”, or “relatable”. Despite that the majority of the movie’s plot occurs in Afghanistan, primarily white and/or American actors were cast to portray some of the diverse characters in the film, causing some backlash from the media. This movie was loosely based on the novel “The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Afghanistan and Pakistan” by Kim Baker. The film was directed by American Directors, Glenn Ficarra John …show more content…
This movie also uses both Western and non-Western sounds throughout the plot. One of the more prominent examples of non-Western sounds in this movie is where the main character, Kim Baker, goes to the wedding of her Afghan guide, and friend. In this scene, the use of non-western diegetic sound is used in a Afganistan wedding celebration. This particular song is called “Ma-e mano akhtar-e shabha-e man (Lune et étoile de mes nuits)” by Ensemble Kaboul, an Afghan group that primarily plays the traditional music of Afghanistan. This group uses the following instruments in it’s songs: voice, harmonium, rubab, flute, zerbaghali drum, and the tabla. In this scene, the non-Western music is being used to mark a time of celebration (a wedding), and the use of music here allows the film's audience to establish cultural parallels between their culture and that of Afghan culture. Although music style in this scene is vastly different than music styles of those in the United States (the mostly likely audience for this film) the music still provides Western audiences some insight to the cultural background of the Afghan
Tommy Burns was the new heavy weight champion and like Jefferies, he to was denying Johnson a shot at the title. This time Johnson was not having it. He followed Burns for two years from San Francisco to New York from Paris to London, mocking him to fight him. Burns would just state that Johnson was yellow, eventually it was said that King Henry himself called Burns a bluffer, I guess this got to Burns for in the end he agreed to fight Johnson for 30,000 dollars win, lose, or draw. This
The screen play of Dr. Horrible`s Sing-Along is a modern-day cult classic that has been expanded to its many viewers. This cult classic was brought to life by the many fans of Joss Whedon and the well-known characters he decided to cast. In this screen play, Dr. Horrible and Billy are played by the same character, but are supposed to be portrayed as completely different characters and personalities. Dr. Horrible and Billy share many similar characteristics throughout the screen play which gives the idea that they share duality in this production. Dr. Horrible`s Sing-Along gives Billy and Dr. Horrible the same personality, even though they are the same character, by their love of Penny, their awkwardness, and Dr. Horrible`s reluctant to kill
Lt. John Dunbar was lying on a hospital bed, leg totally mutilated. Barely conscious, the man over heard the surgeon say he could not amputate this mans leg as tired as he was. Dunbar didn’t like what he heard, so when the surgeons left, he grabbed his boat, and he slowly slid the boat up his mutilated foot biting on a stick to relive the massive pain.
Country music is one of the most popular genres of music throughout America. There are many influential figures that have changed the way country music sounds, and how people interpret it. Two important people who have made a huge impact on country music overtime are Johnny Cash and Luke Bryan. From their early life, their career, and how society views them, they have opened the minds of people and country musicians all over the country. Johnny Cash’s songs help people to experience his life growing up through the Great Depression and how people lived back then. Through Luke Bryan’s songs people could understand what life was like for Luke growing up in Georgia and all the hardships he faced. Johnny Cash and Luke Bryan are two of the many
In a time when the British won a war against the Native Americans and the French, to the first political parties, the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans, there were rebellions. It is in this context that changes can be found between the March of the Paxton Boys, Shays’ Rebellion, and the Whiskey Rebellion. Violent protest in America from 1763 to 1791 changed significantly in terms of reasons behind the desire for violent protest and the result that occurred because of the rebellion.
Have you ever wondered why George Strait is the King of Country music? With Georges many followers across the world and many awards he received this means he would be set up for success right? George has had a lot of major and minor challenges throughout his background and career, but that hasn’t slowed him down any on his awards and number one hit singles and albums. Lets go over George’s background, career, and awards and number one hits.
Folk music is a traditional style of music that has existed for generations. It is worldwide and each country has its own type of folk music. African folk music is the strongest influence noticeable in the piece ‘Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes’. Folk music is a very traditional style of music, so it is evident through the Afro-cuban instrumentation in the piece that it has its origins in Folk. Furthermore, African folk music's main purpose is for dancing. This is evident in the upbeat rhythm with the bass drum playing on each beat, which makes the piece easy to dance to. Finally, folk music is rhythmic and melodic rather than harmonic in style. Simon has used this folk feel after the intro in the music (see
With a regular schedule for all these students, everyone is expected to simply do the work at home, and come back to school to turn it in and receive more and do the same process over and over. But when there are other activities a child can be involved in, it makes routines have a slight change. Especially if these certain “activities” are being a requirement and not just an option because there are always students who never try new activities and miss out on opportunities. Therefore, students should be offered extracurricular activities in their schools because it gains skills and builds pride to be successful academically in Anaheim. In the documentary, “Mad Hot Ballroom” the director, Marilyn Agrelo, states that “the kids that are
On June 21st of 1788 the United States of America was an optimistic place to live. The newly formed country had officially ratified their Constitution on this date, and within a year George Washington would become its first President. These events signified an unofficial end to the American Revolution, which had its start in part, because Americans had rejected the notion of taxation without representation. This modern form of government, however, did, have some problems it needed to deal with. Unable to levy taxes in previous years the federal government had found itself deep in debt. This federal debt also included all the states debt as well (Chernow, 2004, 297). The government desperately needed to find a source of revenue to pay off
Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on August 4, 1901 to Mayanne and William Armstrong. His father abandoned his family during Louis' infancy. Louis spent the first years of his life with his grandmother, Josephine Armstrong. After age five, Louis moved back with his mother and his sister, "Mama Lucy." The family was forced to live in stark poverty. Louis got into some trouble when he was just 12 years old and was placed in the Waif's Home for Boys. It was there that he first received musical instruction and learned to play the coronet. He was released from the Waif's Home in June of 1914. He worked selling papers, unloading boats, and selling coal from a cart. Joe Oliver, one of the finest
Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong was one of the most popular musicians of his time. Upon initiating my research, I was surprised to find conflicting dates as to when he was born. Encarta Africa said he was born in 1901, 1001 things to know about African American history-1898, regular Encarta --1900, "Little Louis and the jazz band" by Angela Shelf Medearis says his date of birth is August 4, 1901. The book "Jazz Stars" by Richard Rennert states that Louis Armstrong was born in 1899, the book "Louis Armstrong" by Sam Tanenhaus says he was born on July 4, 1900. The reason why they have so many different dates is due to the fact that he probably wasn't born in a hastpital and they did not use to keep good records of black
Did you know that Jimi Hendrix was 15 when he picked up a guitar and by the time he was 18 he was already one of the best in the music business? First off, Jimi Hendrix was the most passionate musician of the 1960’s generation. Additionally, Jimi Hendrix top ten songs made it into the Rock and Roll hall of Fame, later on in his career. Thus, Hendrix had become a musician that symbolized the year of the 1960’s. Finally, he had the most emotional connection to his written music that one of his most important ones was inspired by a dream and was based off what he believed, was what saved him out of the Purple Haze was his faith in god. In conclusion, Jimi Hendrix is was the most passionate songwriter of the 1960’s generation.
Jimi Hendrix is an American guitarist, singer, songwriter and producer who is widely considered to be the most important electric guitarist in the history of music. Although Hendrix is known for his outstanding ability to play the guitar, he is also a very famous name in Blues music. He played the acoustic guitar but is known for his outstanding ability to play the electric guitar. With songs such as Red House, Here My Train A Comin', and Born Under a Bad Sign, Hendrix is considered to be in the Chicago category and quickly made his way into the history of Blues music.
Daniel Craig’s new James Bond in Casino Royale breathes fresh life into what had become, in my opinion, a rather tired and worn out concept - a striking achievement, considering Casino Royale was Ian Fleming’s first novel in the series, written in 1953.
In the case of this opera, this non-Western European element wasn't used to "other" the people from Bali but it was used to "other" homosexual people in Europe (lecture 14, 3/1/18). The gamelan music could also be used to portrait pedophilia. In this case the attraction that Aschenbach feels towards Tadzio. This