
White Australia Policy

Decent Essays

One of the first acts of the Commonwealth Government of Australia was the implementation of the White Australia Policy. This shows that the newly federated nation was built on fear and racism. The White Australia policy was a law that changed Australia and has shaped the way it is today. This essay will reflect how the policy was implemented, how it affected the nation as a whole, why the Australians feared the Chinese and how Australia was viewed from other federated nations, as a result of implementation of the policy.

The White Australia policy was a policy implemented by the Australian Government to determine who could enter Australia from overseas nations. It consisted of a 50 word dictation exam in any European language that was taken by any non-white immigrant. If a person failed the dictation test they became a prohibited immigrant and were deported immediately. (Australian Govenment, 2016) The test proved to be very hard. Between 1902-1903, 805 people took the 50 word dictation exam and only 46 people passed. (1901 Immigraton Restriction Act, 2010) …show more content…

But before this, the British began migrating to Australia in 1788 on the first fleet. The Chinese took more than 20% of the population for mining in Victoria and NSW. (Ryebuck Media, 2005) By the time of 1851, NSW had a population total of 200,000. Over the next 20 years, 40,000 Chinese men and over 9,000 women immigrated to the goldfields seeking to find fortune. (Wikipedia, 2016) Lots of concern was growing in the Australian colonies about the level of ‘coloured’ immigration to Australia. (Australian Govenment, 2016) In the 19th century, the Chinese, Pacific islanders and Japanese arrived. By the beginning of 1900, the population of Australia had reached 3,874,365. (Skwirk,

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