
White Nationalism Is Un-American

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White Nationalism Is Un-American
White nationalism is an umbrella term to describe the ideology that calls for the creation of an all white “ethnostate” in America. Mainly, this is to be achieved by the deportation and genocides of non-whites. White nationalists claim that the “white-genocide,” or the cultural dilution of Americans of European descent, is occurring to the detriment of this country, by allowing immigration from other parts of the world the United States is only weakening it’s economy and degridating the moral fabric of its society. Despite nativist claims that they are “real Americans,” the ideology of white nationalists cannot be called American due to its anti-American roots in philosophies that opposes the ideals of this …show more content…

They make this claim based on the fact that American culture and political structures hold --if not all-- most of their origins in European culture and politics. While some may not like this assertion white nationalists are not necessarily wrong. The Enlightenment, the origin of most of the founding principles of the United States, occurred in western Europe (mainly Britain and France) and Britain’s American colonies. Other roots of America’s law and government stem from Renaissance philosophers, British law and government, Roman governance and Greek philosophy. The Renaissance was another philosophical movement, predating the Enlightenment (1300s to 1600s), that originated in Italy and spread to the rest of western Europe. Being America’s mother country, it’s no surprise that the founding fathers emulated Britain when making America’s Constitution. In fact, many of the amendments in the American Bill of Rights came from the British Bill of Rights, adopted in 1689 by co-monarchs, Mary II and her husband William “of Orange” III, including freedom of speech, petition, the right to bear arms and the right to no excessive bail. One or the first republics, representative governments, and the first Senate in the western world all came from Rome. It was from ancient Rome --a European country-- that many of the founding fathers (particularly John Adams and James Madison) drew their ideas of how to form America’s government. …show more content…

Aside from the fact that it juxtaposes American principals just as much as fascism does nazism is uniquely German because it was formed in and around pivotal moments in German history, events which never occurred in the United States. The United States didn’t lose the first world war, didn’t even fight the entirety of the war, and while the great depression was a horrible event in our history the US didn’t face anywhere near the same hardships as Germany. While anti-Semitism isn’t uniquely German and definitely holds its place in American history that isn’t enough to justify a political ideology that was created around the ultranationalism of a country whose history and culture are or were completely different from that of the United States of

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