1. Name of the organism
a. Both common & scientific (Genus & Species):
The common name of the organism is the white-winged wood duck. The scientific name of the organism is the Cairina scutulata, or the Asarcornis scutulata.
b. Picture of Organism:
2. Characteristics of the organism
a. Geographic location:
The Cairina scutulata is located in countries in Southeast Asia such as Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Bhutan.
b. Physical characteristics:
Cairina scutulata have black bodies, white heads with spots of black, random white patches on their wings, and red or orange eyes. The male oftentimes has glossier plumage and it is usually heavier and larger than the female.
c. Solitary or social animal:
The white-winged wood duck is a
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There has been no talk about habitat preservation or restoration but there are various laws and policies in many Southeast Asian countries protecting the white-winged wood duck. There have not been many attempts to release the white-winged wood duck from the captive breeding programs back into the wild. The current plans to save the organism are just to hope that the laws in place will protect the ducks, but that is not working well so far. There have been many materials talking about protecting endangered species, such as the Cairina scutulata, distributed in countries like Laos and Cambodia. Some other nearby countries like India have sanctuaries for these ducks. Some of the things that have been suggested that could save the organism are things like enforcing the hunting laws, actually monitoring the Cairina scutulata population, protection of swamp forests, and campaigning against oil and pesticide pollution. It is assumed that actually following through on the suggested ideas will drastically increase the Cairina scutulata population because they will be able to grow in an ideal
The restoration of grasslands and forests is extremely important when it comes to breeding grounds for ducks. Dabbling Ducks use the tall grass found around ponds or in marshes to build nest and raise their young. Diving Ducks will flock to flooded forest areas and build a nest inside the holes of a tree and they will raise their young from above the ground. In recent years these habitats have been reduced significantly for farming and other purposes. In order to restore these habitats Ducks Unlimited must first purchase the land from the landowner. After they have the rights to the property they will begin to make changes to the area so it can be a more suitable ecosystem for waterfowl. When restoring grasslands Ducks Unlimited will replant the local grasses and dig ponds in the area, these actions will help hatchlings survive to adulthood. After these properties have been restored Ducks Unlimited will donate the land to government agencies that
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Have you seen the Brevard white squirrels? There famous in Brevard because they are spotted rarely anywhere else. On September 30th three baby white squirrels were spotted on campus and carried to safety.
The scaup nests in habitats of the Boreal Forests that spread into Alaska and into parts of Manitoba. Being one of the latest fall migrants of all waterfowl, scaup tend to migrate after freeze-up and settle on rivers, lakes, and wetlands. Throughout fall and winter the scaup primarily consume aquatic species. Due to their late migration scaup can be seen moving in flocks through Central Flyway Region in mid-May (Austin et al 1998). Forming new pair of bonds annually during spring migration every year they are considered a serial-monogamous species. Scaup tend to nest later in May through June. Unlike other diving ducks female scaup build their nests on the ground near or over water, and into parts of upland areas. Depending on female age, predation, and water conditions these variables will correlate with nest success (Austin et al
A wide variety of animals live in bottomland hardwoods. There are many waterfowl and other birds, such as wood ducks and screech owls. Other animals, like deer, squirrels, and bats, also live in or nearby the foliage of these wetlands. These animals are mostly intrusive, since they can choose to live in other areas if they wish.
The animal from my March field guide that I chose to report on is the Common Ground Dove. The common name for this bird is the Common Ground Dove and its scientific name is Columbina passerina. The bird was located outside my house in Crystal City, Texas. The Common Ground Dove looked as if it was in search of food, while it walked on the front lawn. It then flew away when approached. My opinion is that the size of the bird affected its decision to fly away. Since it is a small bird, it is more fearful of bigger animals. This bird is found in the southern U.S, Mexico, central America, the Caribbean Islands, and the northern part of South America. They are found in open areas that have bushes and trees. They can also be found in forests with
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The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker is a unique bird. Acorrding to myfwc.com the Ivory-Billed is around 19.5 inches tall. The bird has a wingspan of 30 to 31 inches according to nationalgeographic.com. That’s a pretty big woodpecker! The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker has a ivory bill, of course! The males have a red crest on their head while the females have a black crest on their heads. The Ivory-Billed has a dark face and body, but there is a white stripe going down their face and meets on their back, forming a sorta saddle looking shape on their back. They have secondary feathers that are white and their wings are fringed with white. To finish off the appearance of the Ivory-Billed, their feathers are long and pointed at the end. It’s sad that this unique
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On the other hand, females exhibit a different and a more subtle manner especially when they are prepared to mate. If she is ready to do so, she will slant her head down frontward and then softly lift up her tail while producing soft and supple chirping cockatiel sounds.
The animal that I’ve been studying is the Mockingbird. The Mockingbird is gray on top and white on its underside. It has white patches on its wings that look like bars; a long black tail with white outer feathers and along slender bill. Males and Females look alike.