
Who Framed Roger Rabbit Essay

Good Essays

Film Critique: Assignment 1
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

I would consider Who Framed Roger Rabbit to be an excellent portrayal of a 40’s crime thriller with 80’s technology. Although riddled with minute continuity and factual errors Who Framed Roger Rabbit is the first successful movie to have life action and animation work seamlessly together in a way that makes you believe Roger and Jessica Rabbit are living breathing characters. Although there are more recent live-action animation films such as Space Jam, I would consider Who Framed Roger Rabbit to be the best in its field.
From the first moment that live action meets animations you can imagine this world and wish it were real. The Toons cast shadows and grasp live actors, giving the animations the feeling of being 3-dimentional. Knowing that the animators created all the artwork frame by frame make it even more spectacular to watch. The way in which the animators were able to bring together the artwork of various artists from Disney and Looney Tunes classics is outstanding. The way in which they cobbled together all of the different animated characters from real cartoons and designed it in a way that …show more content…

The lines are delivered well especially by the animated characters. The tone and speech patterns of the animated characters are consistent, making the characters believable and bringing the characters to life. The dialogue and the actions and reactions of the live action actors and the animated characters are done flawlessly to allow the audience to believe that the live action characters are actually talking and interacting to the Toons. The script is clearly based on the vocabulary and delivery of lines that were frequently seen in the private eye, crime thrillers in 40’s movies. The quick one-liners and puns and over exaggerated acting seen via Jessica Rabbits character in various scenes gives you the authentic feel of a 1940’s film noir but in full

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