
Who I Am? My Life?

Decent Essays

Who I am?
Who I am? It look simple question but to explain it that very hard. I could say I’m little girl grown up in many towns got a lot of experience at the short time believe in life and freedom. However, I learn all my believe from my religion, family and inspiration. One day when I was in elementary school my teacher was talking about the student behavior in school and I discuss that with her but she tried to avoid me many times I tried to get her attention than she got angry and blame me as a rude student. At that time, she has broken my hurt and I believed what she said about me. Just for she could not convince me or I have my opinion that does not mean I’m the bad person. I spend many years to understand why she did that? Why can not share my opinions with others? Or just discuss things with people? Why those people do not follow what they learn? Those questions and more stick in my head many years. Last at least, I traveled to many countries and find many things in this life. Until I heard Ralph Waldo Emerson said “to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you something else is a great accomplishment.” So I got all that good experience from persons like her than I start to follow my steps. To be the person how I am this day and have the sure answer for this questions “really who I’m?” The most three things effective my life positively believes, an environment, and human mind.
We born in this life and grown up with our family that they teach us the best

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